Searches for Dark Matter & Large Extra Dimensions in Mono-Jet/ /W/Z Signals in the ATLAS & CMS Detectors Daniel S Levin – University of Michigan MASS2013 On behalf of the ATLAS & CMS Collaborations 1
1. Why we search 2. Mono-X experimental signatures Effective Field Theory Large Extra Dimensions SUSY Wimps, invis. Higgs Wh or Zh with h not covered here 3. LHC 4.Analysis Method 5. ATLAS & CMS Detectors 6. Signals, Backgrounds, Data selection, Results mono-jets mono- mono-W mono-Z Outline 2
Dark Matter inferred from Gravitational Signatures Galactic rotation curves Galactic velocities in galactic clusters Zwicky: clusters have very large mass to light ratios Gravitational lensing Bullet Cluster Total vs Baryonic Centers of Mass differ by 8 σ NASA Large scale structure: “A filament of dark matter between two clusters of galaxies” Dietrich et al, July 2012 Nature 3
Three (non-gravitational) DM Detection Methods 1.Direct detection from astrophysical sources: Nuclear recoil from DM particle interactions Positive results: from DAMA, COGENT/LIBRA08, CDMS (Excluded by: Xenon100 … ) 2.Indirect astrophysical detection Search for products of WIMP annihilation Observations of positron excess: HEAT, PAMELA, AMS Wimp-WIMP annihilation 3.Production of DM in LHC & Tevatron collisions Search for generic decay signatures q q q q q q 4
Three (non-gravitational) DM Detection Methods 1.Direct detection from astrophysical sources: Nuclear recoil from DM particle interactions Positive results: from DAMA, COGENT/LIBRA08, CDMS (Excluded by: Xenon100 … ) 2.Indirect astrophysical detection Search for products of WIMP annihilation Observations of positron excess: HEAT, PAMELA, AMS Wimp-WIMP annihilation 3.Production of DM in LHC & Tevatron collisions Search for generic decay signatures q q q q q q 5 Suggestive but inconclusive
X contact interaction -q-q q Events characterized by ISR recoil of X X= triggerable object jet, , W, Z 6
Mono-X final states extracted from an Effective Field Theory: a heavy particle (M > M ) mediates the + q/g interaction EFT only valid for energies < M high energy underlying behavior integrated out scalar, vector, axial vector & tensor operators: D1, D5,D8 D9 = Dirac fermion DM particles I suppression scale or interaction strength Interactions are detectable: jet, photon, W, Z emitted as ISR DM Production in EFT L = Example of interactions used arXiv
In Effective Field Theory: mediator dark sector particle is M interaction strength (or suppression scale) or M * ~ M/(g 1 g 2 ) 1/2 WIMP mass = m 4-momentum conservation requires: m < M/2 Perturbation theory requires: g 1 g 2 < (4 ) 2 combine to get m < 2 M * 8
List of EFT Operators describing WIMP-SM interactions J. Goodman et al Dirac Fermions Complex Scalars Real Scalars scalar vector axial -vector tensor 9
List of EFT Operators describing WIMP-SM interactions J. Goodman et al Dirac Fermions scalar vector axial -vector tensor 10 Spin dependent Spin-independent
Large Extra Dimensions Planck scale M Pl ~ O(10 19 ) GeV Electroweak unification scale O(10 2 ) GeV Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, and Dvali address the enormous difference between the: © Cartoon by Mike Lester 11
The ADD model Phys. Lett. B postulates the presence of n extra spatial dimensions- size R, defines a fundamental Planck scale in 4 + n dimensions: M D where M Pl 2 ∼ M D 2+n R n A choice of R for a given n yields an M D at the electroweak scale. for n=2, M D ~ GeV R ~ mm Extra spatial dimensions are compactified: yields a Kaluza-Klein tower of massive graviton modes. At the LHC graviton modes may be excited in extra dimensions, & appear as non-interacting particles in 4 –space, with a jet, or photon, a monojet signature in the final state. Large Extra Dimensions 12
Beyond SM Predictions E T miss Analysis Strategy 13 1) Look for a clean signature: high momentum object with large Missing E T 2) backgrounds understood via MC, data driven methods 3) kinematic cuts define Signal Regions 4) count number of events in Signal Regions look for excess over SM background Max Baak- CERN
Photo: D. Levin LHC ATLAS CMS dipoles at 8.4 T N p = Bunch crossing: 25 ns L = 27 km 4.7 km
LHC Operations CMS mono jet ATLAS mono W, Z ATLAS/CMS mono ATLAS/CMS mono jet 15
Inner tracker EM Calorimeter Hadron Calorimeter Toroid magnets Muon system ATLAS Detector 16
EMCAL: LAr-Pb HCAL: scintillating tiles barrel LAr endcaps 17
1200 MDT + TGC & RPC chambers Six story (45 X 22 m) structure P/P = 100 GeV 1 TeV Sagitta at 1 TeV = 500 m 50 m error ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
Fun facts Weight 12,500 t Diameter 15. m length 21.6 m B field 4 T superconducting coil 4T calorimeters tracker muon barrel muon endcaps return yoke CMS Detector 19
CMS Barrel Muons return yoke muon chambers 20
CMSATLAS Tracker EMCAL HCAL Muon Spectrometer Combined tracking /P T = 1%-10% at GeV | | <2.4 Combined+ Standalone tracking /P T = 2%-to 10% at GeV | | <2.7 B field4 T Solenoid + yoke2T Solenoid, T Toroid CMS - ATLAS Comparison 21
A rush hour pileup ! a Z event… with 25 interaction vertices
Monojets in ATLAS at 8 TeV 23
EFT operators (representative D 5, D 8, D 11 ) pp q + X and pp g + X with Madgraph5 and Pythia8 (CTEQ6L1 pdf) DM Masses: M = 1 – 2000 GeV in 10 points. Monojets Signal Generation ADD Large Extra Dimensions Model: Dimensions n =2-6 Planck mass: M D = 2-5 TeV with Pythia 8 & CTEQ6.6 pdfs. Full ATLAS detector simulation with GEANT4 24
Event Selection Require primary vertex Leading jet P T > 120 GeV | | < 2.0 At most 2 jets P T > 30 GeV | | < 4.5 (jet, E t miss ) > 0.5 Lepton veto 25 Signal Regions GeV
Monojet Backgrounds Z + jets 50% W l + jets (with one lepton undetected) 46 % Z ll + jets, multijet, single t, tt dibosons… 4% Electroweak backgrounds determined from Control Regions (orthogonal to Signal Regions)- reversal of one cut: eg. for Z +jets CR has final state lepton and otherwise same requirements on jet P t, E t miss, subleading jet vetos, etc QCD backgrounds estimated from jet enriched data sample Top and diboson backgrounds from MC 26
Monojets An event at 8 TeV 27
Monojet Control Region Examples Transverse mass GeV E T miss GeV Z( ) +jets Control Region W( ) +jets Control Region 28 diboson & top bkg in CR removes lepton veto Background estimation
Signal Region SR1 > 120 geV 29
SR2 > 220 GeV SR4> 500 GeV SR3 > 350 GeV 30 More Signal Regions
31 Monojet Production Cross Section Limits GeV
M* limits based on 350 GeV signal region. 32
Limits on M* converted to limits on WIMP-Nucleon Phys.Rev.D82:116010,2010 (these limits from 2011 data) 33 WIMP mass range limits extended to 1 GeV
Limits on ADD Model For n=6, limit on M D = 2.7 0.1 TeV For n=2, limit on M D = 4.2 0.4 TeV 34
EFT operators vector D 5, A-V: D 8, scalar D11 (DM –gluon) pp q + X and pp g + X with Madgraph and Pythia6.42 (CTEQ6L1 pdf) DM Masses: M =1, 10, 200, 400, 700, and 1000 GeV Mediator Mass GeV Monojets Signal Generation ADD LED Model: Extra Dimensions n =2-6 with Pythia 8 & CTEQ6.6 pdfs. Monojets in CMS 19.5 fb -1 at 8 TeV 35
CMS Monojet Event Selection One well constructed primary vertex Leading jet P T > 80 GeV | | < 2.6 At most 2 jets P T > 30 GeV | | < 4.5 (jet1, jet2 ) < 2.5 (suppress QCD dijets) Lepton veto Seven signal regions: 36
spin independent vector operator (eg., D5) spin dependent axial-vector operator (eg., D8 ) Limits on the contact interaction scale, Λ, as a function of the DM mass (Λ same as M * used for ATLAS results) 37
Limits on (WIMP-nucleon) extends to 1 GeV spin independent vector operator (eg., D5) spin dependent axial-vector operator (eg., D8 ) 38
spin independent scalar operator (eg., D11 ) Limits on WIMP-nucleon interaction cross section 39
Lower limits on M D versus the number of extra dimensions CMS limits on M D higher than ATLAS 40
Event Selection primary vertex Photon E T > 150 GeV | | < 2.0 E T miss > 150 GeV | | < or 1 jet P T > 30 GeV | | < 4.5 (jet/ , E t miss ) > 0.5 Lepton veto Object isolation Mono in ATLAS 4.7 fb -1 at 7 TeV 41
Mono Backgrounds in ATLAS Z + 68% W l + (undetected lepton) 18 % Z/W+jets 13% Electroweak backgrounds from Control Region Invert veto use to normalize the W+ & Z+ MCs 42
Mono Results in ATLAS 43
Mono -nucleon xsec limits 44
Mono jet - mono comparison to direct WIMP production Spin dependent Limits comparable but mono-jet overall is lower Mono-jet Mono- 45
Mono jet/mono comparison to direct WIMP production Spin independent mono-jet channel sensitive to D11 gluon operator Mono-jet Mono- 46
Event Selection require well defined primary vertex Photon P T > 145 GeV | | < 1.44 (barrel region only) Energy ratio: ECAL/HCAL <0.05 in cone R<0.15 lepton & hadronic activity veto object isolation Single signal region: E T miss > 130 GeV | | < 4.5 Mono in CMS 5.0 fb -1 at 7 TeV 47
Mono Backgrounds in CMS Backgrounds determined from MC: Z/ jet di- Pythia6 + CTEQ6L1 W Madgraph Z + 60% W l + , di- , +jet 6 % Z/W+jets +other 34% Predicted Signal Region background = 75.1 9.5 events Observed = 73 events 48
p T γ =384 GeV, MET=407 GeV. Mono 49
Mono Results in CMS 50
D8 operator D5 operator 51
Representative operators are C1, D1, D5, D9 D5 generated for constructive C(u)=-C(d) and destructive C(u)=C(d) cases 52 Advantage: For W radiation, interference between diagrams. If equal couplings- but opposite signs (C(u) = -C(d) ) W can become dominant
Two signal regions: E t miss = 350, 500 GeV 53
Backgrounds estimated from Z+jets, W+jets Control Region: lepton veto inverted Jet selection intact 54
Data (W+Z) & predicted background in the Signal Regions E t miss 350 GeV, 500 GeV 55 M * GeV
New ATLAS mono Z/W limits: WIMP-Nucleon for D5 and D9 operators 56
Summary CMS/ATLAS analyses searched for Dark Matter WIMPs in the context of Effective Field Theory & Large Extra Dimensions Data sets include 5 fb 7 TeV 10 fb -1 & 20 fb 8 TeV All data in the signal regions consistent with SM backgrounds. Limits set on array of EFT operators and modified Planck Mass M D “ … it should be borne in mind that our limits strictly speaking only apply when all mediator masses are much larger than the typical energy of the reaction … in the absence of a picture of the UV theory, it is hard to know whether the bounds are over- or under-estimated when the effective theory description does not strictly apply. “ J. Goodman et al arXiv
58 Backup
Fitting PAMELA positron excess with Dark Matter 200 GeV Wino-like neutralino (Grajec, Kane, Pierce, Watson) M. Schubnell U. Michigan A nearby pulsar (Geminga) (Yuskel, Kistler, Stanvev)
Mono Backgrounds in ATLAS Z + 68% W l + (undetected lepton) 18 % Z/W+jets 13% data driven method 60 1.Sample of Z boson used to determine fraction of electrons that reconstruct as photons. 2.This fraction is used to determine rate for which W+jets occurs in the signal region – where an electron is accepted instead of a photon. This results in a total W(! eν)+jet background estimation of 14 ± 6 events, where the uncertainty is dominated by the limited size of the control data sample.