Children’s Trust - ‘then’ Hampshire Children’s Trust developed to meet the requirements of the Children Act 2004 (the ‘duty to co-operate’) Children’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Children’s Trust - ‘then’ Hampshire Children’s Trust developed to meet the requirements of the Children Act 2004 (the ‘duty to co-operate’) Children’s Trust Board placed on a statutory footing; and the duty to co-operate extended in 2009 Local Children’s Partnerships (LCPs) developed from successful ‘cluster’ based approach to extended services in and around schools

Children’s Trust – ‘now’ Statutory guidance on Children’s Trusts removed Children and Young People’s Plan Regulations revoked Duty to co-operate to be removed from schools and colleges, subject to parliamentary approval Hampshire remains committed to Children’s Trust arrangements, including LCPs

Achievements Children’s Services in Hampshire rated ‘excellent’ (Ofsted, 2010) “Partners share a clear vision and high ambitions for tackling inequalities in health, education and opportunity” Large majority of schools found to be good or better in Ofsted inspection (2009/10) 99% of schools providing core offer of extended services

Vision Making Hampshire a better place for children and young people, where all of them, including those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged, have the best possible start in life and are supported by the whole community to reach their potential Children and Young People’s Plan Twin aims: The relentless pursuit of excellence; and Narrowing the disadvantage gap

Includes… A whole system for children Schools at the heart Relentless pursuit of excellence in educational standards Particular regard to access and achievement for disadvantaged and excluded High levels of delegation and autonomy Inevitable interdependencies: nothing succeeds or fails in isolation LCPs – function following form

All evidence and experience suggests stronger partnerships, greater integration of services and a shared purpose for all those working with and for children and families lead to better services for children, young people and families – especially the vulnerable.

Partnership working gets results. We have no plans to remove this sensible principle, enshrined in the ‘duty to cooperate’ (section 10 of the Children Act 2004) from legislation. Local authorities should continue to lead partnership arrangements that make sense For local people and services.

Relevant partners continue to be: district councils strategic health authorities primary care trusts youth offending teams police probation services persons providing Connexions services in pursuance of section 68 of the Education and Skills Act 2008 Jobcentre Plus

The forthcoming Education Bill will, subject to the will of Parliament, remove the ‘duty to cooperate’ from maintained schools FE and sixth-form colleges non-maintained special schools academies, city technology colleges and city colleges for the technology of arts

Children’s Trust structure Governance Framework – supportive, LCPs not obliged to use Extended Board membership – including LCP Chairs (strengthening link between strategic and operational) New Business Group – responsible for day to day functions Clear link to Health and Well-being Board

Challenges Pace of change Resource constraints Capacity issues ‘Sweating the assets’!

But also...opportunities Commissioning role for LCPs e.g. Integrated Youth Support Increased opportunities for voluntary and community sector to deliver services Reduced bureaucracy – more freedoms