Provider Forum – 21 March 2012 Safeguarding and Child Protection
Ideas to make sure staff are aware of their Safeguarding and Child Protection Statutory obligations?
Single Point of Access Discuss Single Point of Access (SPA) team’s roles and responsibilities. What is SPA? When might you contact them? What to do if you are concerned about a child If you or a child are in immediate danger you should always phone Out of hours please contact the Emergency Duty Team on
Pose child protection questions for staff What would you do if……………? What would you do if you were concerned your manager is abusing a child? Follow your Safeguarding and Child protection policy and contact SPA
Categories of Abuse Organise staff into 4 groups. Give each group one category of abuse and using the definitions in ‘Working Together to Safeguard Children’, Make a list of the signs and symptoms in that category. Discuss each group’s ideas as a team.
Child Protection Scenarios Organise staff into groups of 3-4. Encourage each group to think of their own scenario and identify immediate actions and follow up actions. Discuss as a team. Encourage staff to compare their answers with the key Child Protection reference documents and frequently asked questions available on
Code of Conduct for your Organisation Organise staff into 4 groups. Give each group one idea relating to Professional Code of Conduct to discuss. For example: baby sitting, mobile phones, Face book. Each group can then share their thoughts and ideas identifying any changes in practice that may be needed.
What's the culture of your setting? ursery_z.pdf Staff supervision: How do you ensure you have controls in place that ensure there are opportunities to manage performance and challenge inappropriate behaviour? Do you have a Whistle blowing policy?
How do you keep ‘Safeguarding’ on the agenda? Organise staff into groups of 3-4. Ask staff to list items to include on their safeguarding notice board and parents newsletters.
Pre Existing Injuries In pairs ask staff to identify the purpose of the pre existing injury sheet. Discuss ideas as a team. Get each pair to make up a typical scenario of an accident in the setting, complete a pre existing injury sheet and share it with another group explaining what the injury was and how they completed the form.
Any questions?