1 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Overview of the topics 16/02/10 Children’s Trust Partnership Board Children & Young People's Plan VCS representatives.


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Presentation transcript:

1 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Overview of the topics 16/02/10 Children’s Trust Partnership Board Children & Young People's Plan VCS representatives on Partnership Boards and Sub Boards Role of CFN Challenges of VCS reps Measuring success and impact

2 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People The Third Sector is key to delivering the ambitions to strengthen local accountability, shape better places and design and deliver services which meet the needs and aspirations of those who use them. The Government wants the best local partnership working with the third sector to be the rule not the exception, particularly through Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs)” Principles of representation Dept of Communities and Local Government

3 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Children’s Trust Partnership Board The Children’s Partnership Board is a body made up of statutory and voluntary community groups Membership includes: Camden Council Metropolitan Police Learning Skills Council Connexions NHS Schools VCS Colleges Job Centre Plus GP rep Housing & Adult Social Care Culture & Environment

4 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Inter- Agency Governance and VCS involvement Camden has got a very strong governance arrangements Multi-agency working groups which have responsibility of delivering the ECM agenda Locally There is a very strong partnership with VCS in all levels

5 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People

6 Children and Young People's Plan Children and Young People's Plan sets out strategic Plan for children’s services and delivers the Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda in Camden, as required by Children Act 2004 The Children and Young People's is divided into five key outcomes areas with key priorities for each: Being Healthy, Staying Safe, Making a Positive contribution, Enjoining and Achieving and Achieving Economic Wellbeing and Quality of life.

7 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People VCS Representation on Children’s Trusts To strengthen the engagement of the VCS in the delivery of children’s services To increase the capacity of the VCS to engage in Children's Trusts at all levels To increase confidence and skills of VCS ensuring that VCS children’s services compete with other providers on a level playing field. Encourage collaboration and co-operation across the VCS and with strategic partners.

8 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People What do we mean by ‘representation’? Representation Refers to the process where one person or group of people is acting, speaking or being present on behalf of another person or group of people. Representee The person or body on whose behalf this is done.

9 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People VCS representatives Children’s Trust Partnership Board (CTPB) & Sub Boards Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) and Sub Boards Multi-agency Joint Planning and Commissioning Sub Board Work Force Strategy Parenting Strategy Group Integrated Working (IW) IYS Commissioning Group

10 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People VCS reps recruitment process All the VCS are recruited through Children and Families Network by the following Process: First round  Expression of Interest Second round  Election through Children and families Network members Third round  Short listing

11 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Principles for Voluntary Sector representatives To promote co-ownership of plans and services by users and communities, including advocating realistic timescales and processes to enable wider involvement. To ensure the views of the local voluntary sector have been consulted through its relevant network bodies (e.g. Children & Families Network). To promote the development and use of the expertise and experience of the Voluntary & Community Sector as service providers. To advocate for fairness and equality of opportunity in the commissioning process. To report to and be accountable to the voluntary sector through the relevant network body. To declare any organisational or personal interest when acting as a sector representative

12 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Support of VCS reps VCS reps are supported through the Joint Advisory group meetings of CFN Reimbursement facilities for the VCS reps Training induction

13 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People VAC Presentation on the service planning groups Presentation on the service planning groups Service users Children and Families Network Structure (CFN)

14 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Role of CFN Coordination of the VCS reps e.g.( arranging meetings, correspondences, circulation of info, producing notes of the meetings) Recruitment of the reps Facilitating induction meetings with the chairs of sub boards Facilitating information sharing between the reps Liaising with CSF link officer

15 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Challenges of VCS reps 1) Conflicting interests – The golden rules : Before each activity involving representation, consciously remind yourself which “hat” you have on and leave other hats outside. Where you note a conflict of interest, tell others at the meeting about this, and take their advice about how to proceed. If appropriate, take yourself out of the meeting while the issue which sparked your conflict of interest is discussed. If necessary, resign from one or other of your commissions

16 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Challenges of VCS reps( continuation) 2) Strategic Ability VCS need to demonstrate their strategic abilities through the way they communicate e.g. feeding back to CFN meetings, taking VCS view back to boards 3) Role & Responsibilities VCS reps need to be aware of their role and responsibilities 4) Smaller Groups Hard to engage Lack of involvement and not showing up to the partnership meetings It harms the credibility of the sector Tighter recruitment process create danger of excluding groups 5) Attending Meetings VCS reps who cannot attend meetings should always try and arrange for some-one else to deputise. At the same time colleague from from the Council etc should understand that VCS have pressures on their time too

17 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Selection/election? Worksheet

18 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Measuring success and impact How could we evidence/demonstrate the impact of our role as a representative? What difference have we made? Good practice from CFN Workshop Minutes from meetings etc Evidence of positive outcomes for both the VCS and statutory sectors.

19 CCEN Seminar- Children and Young People Mohamed Hussein Children and Families Network Development Worker Voluntary Action Camden Tel