Assistance to Large Families in Need in Tallinn AASTA TEGU
With the cooperation of the Tallinn Social Welfare Department, the ALFN Project Committee obtained a list of families with five children or more, and the Committee identified 21 families as the ones in greatest need. The families were visited by the Committee members as had been the case with the previous ALFN projects. The Club had agreements with Suurtüki OÜ and Prisma, both of them having stores located at Kristiine Keskus, for the eligible families to make their purchases in the store. In agreement with our Club, both stores also discounted prices for the families.
The families’ needs varied. The greatest need was for footwear: 22 children in seven families received footwear, and in six of these families 20 children also received winter clothes. Nine children in three families received winter clothes only. A considerable number of families were in need of furniture which we either purchased or club members donated, including a computer and a printer for one family. The Club paid one month’s owed rent for one family, kindergarten fees for two families, and extra-curricular activity fees for three families.
The funds for the project were raised at our Club’s Spring Ball and we also received contributions from the Ottawa Rotary Club in Canada and from several private supporters. One of our Club members organized for us to have a lottery at the Danish- Estonian Chamber of Commerce Christmas Dinner. With the proceeds from the lottery we purchased from Prisma 21 Christmas baskets which were delivered by the Club members to the families in the project. At the beginning of 2012, the Club received a donation from the Helsinki International Rotary Club with which we purchased a washing machine for one family and a food processor for another.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Tallinn International Rotary Club, Ilvi Jõe-Cannon Chair, ALFN Project Committee Aasta tegu 2011 / 2012
Save the date! You will All be invited 4 th May 2013