Plant Structures and Growth BIOL 1407
Root System Environment: Soil Functions: –Anchorage –Absorbs water and minerals –Transport Photo Credit: Rasbak van TeunSpaans, Wikimedia Commons
Root Hairs Close to tip of root Extensions of epidermal cells ↑ surface area ↑ absorption
Shoot System Environment: Atmosphere Functions: –Photosynthesis –Transport –Support –Reproduction Photo Credit: Doyle Cross, El Yunque Cloud Forest, Puerto Rico 2007
Shoot System Organs: –Stems –Leaves –Flowers Photo Credit: Joseph Amana, Biology Student, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center 2005
Growth Indeterminate growth Grow throughout life Primary growth Secondary growth
Meristems Growth Zones Apical Meristems –At tips of roots & shoots –Primary Growth
Meristems Lateral Meristems –Only in woody plants –Cylinder in mature roots and stems –Secondary Growth Wood Bark
Root Tip
Dicot Root X-Sec
Stele of Dicot Root
Shoot Tip
Dicot Stem X-Sec
Dicot Leaf X-Sec
Lower Epidermis of Leaf
Vascular Tissue Xylem –Water –Minerals Phloem –Organic compounds
Plant Videos VA8to&feature=relatedhttp:// VA8to&feature=related Carnivorous Plants:
The End Unless otherwise specified, all images in this presentation came from: Campbell, et al Biology, 8 th ed. Pearson Benjamin Cummings.