15 ft. = ____ yds. The question is… So you find the conversion on your TAK Math chart… 3 feet = 1 yard Tom was buying lumber to build a fence. He knew he needed 15 feet of wood, but the store only sold it by the yard. How many yards should Tom buy?
15 ft = ____ yds You copy the conversion directly under the question… 3 ft = 1 yd Make sure you match the units in the question to the units in the conversion…
15 ft = ____ yds 3 ft = 1 yd Cover up the number 1 in the conversion – you will not need it If the remaining numbers are on top of each other, you will divide…
3 ft = 1 yd If the remaining numbers are on top of each other, you will divide… 15 ft = ____ yds 15 3 = 5… so 5 goes in the blank 5
Tom was buying lumber to build a fence. He knew he needed 15 feet of wood, but the store only sold it by the yard. How many yards should Tom buy? Let’s go back to the original question… Tom should buy 5 yards of lumber.
5 ft = ____ in Look at another problem.. So you find the conversion on your TAK Math chart… 12 in. = 1 ft Mary is buying ribbon to put on her pillows. She needs 43 inches of ribbon. The ribbon is sold in a bolt of 5 feet. Will she have enough ribbon to decorate her pillows?
5 ft = ____ in You copy the conversion directly under the question… 12 in = 1 ft Make sure you match the units in the question to the units in the conversion… 1 ft = 12 in If not you need to flip the conversions.
5 ft = ____ in 1 ft = 12 in Cover up the number 1 in the conversion – you will not need it If the remaining numbers are across from each other diagonally – you will multiply
5 ft = ____ in If the remaining numbers are across from each other diagonally – you will multiply 1 ft = 12 in 5 x 12 = 60 so 60 goes in the blank 60
Mary is buying ribbon to put on her pillows. She needs 43 inches of ribbon. The ribbon is sold in a bolt of 5 feet. Will she have enough ribbon to decorate her pillows? Let’s look at the original question… She will have 60 inches and she only needs 43 inches. She will have plenty of extra ribbon.
These conversions work for: time money capacity weight metric and customary measurement