Canada switched to the metric system in In all Canadian schools, the SI (the International System of Units) is now taught. Temperature = o celsius Rainfall = millimetres Snowfall = centimetres Speed limits = kilometres/hour Gas = litres Exceptions: we give our "weight" (mass) in pounds and our height in feet and inches.
The units of measurement for Length, Mass and Volume: Lengthmeter (m) Massgram (g) Volumeliter (l)
Litre Metre Gram
If you’re moving UP the chart (to a smaller unit), move the decimal to the LEFT the same number of places to match the number of exponents you moved through. If you’re moving DOWN the chart (to a larger unit), move the decimal to the RIGHT the same number of places to match the number of exponents you moved through.
NOTE: If there is no decimal, it is at the end of the number. Ex = NOTE: If there are less numbers than places you need to move your decimal, add zeros to fill in place values. Ex – move decimal 3 places to the right = 56700
Moving Up and the Chart to Convert How many litres are in a kilolitre? How many kilolitres are in a litre? How many metres are in a millimetre? How many millimetres are in a metre?
This paper is 21.6cm wide. Convert to mm? How many mm are in 1 cm? cm x 10 mm = 216 mm 1 cm Another way to calculate conversions
You MUST use this format when you are converting TWO units Example: If an object is traveling 25 cm/min, what is its speed in m/hour? 25 cm X 1 m X 60 min = 15 m/hour min 100 cm 1 hour
Problems to try… 3.2 m = ________mm 9.1 cm = _______m 26 kg = ________hg 16 l = __________ml 91km/hr = ___________m/s 362 m/s = ___________km/hr 612 m/s = ___________mm/min
3.2 m = 3200 mm 9.1 cm = 910 m 26 kg = 260 hg 16 l = ml 91km/hr = 25.3 m/s 362 m/s = 1303 km/hr 612 m/s = 36,720,000 mm/min.