Presented by: Harriet Kastaris, RN - Regional Manager/Wellness Advisor Dana Parker - Senior Account Manager
- Wellness Foundation - Who is CHC Wellness? - Onsite Wellness screenings Fall Walking Challenge 2
University of Michigan - Health Management Research Center (HMRC) Initiated the business of wellness assessment, programming & health management evaluation in 1978 Collected health and lifestyle behavior data on over 2,000,000 individuals and consulted with over 1,000 worksites Showed how excess risks are related to excess costs Low Risk = Low Cost / High Risk = High Cost “Keeping Healthy people Healthy” 3
Increasing Healthcare Costs ◦ A reactive instead of a proactive system ◦ Not being proactive is more costly for you and the organization Convenience ◦ Busy schedules make it difficult to visit the physician Healthy Employees are Productive Employees ◦ By providing convenient way to learn your health numbers, East Central college knows you are more likely to make healthy decisions (minimizing preventable medical costs) ◦ Often times, this detailed health information detects conditions participants didn’t even know they had
Biometric Screening ◦ A comprehensive 37 test blood draw and blood pressure reading performed by one of CHC’s certified phlebotomists Health Risk Appraisal (HRA) ◦ Ties in personal medical history with blood work for a complete picture of your health Personal Health Report ◦ Available online 2-3 days after the screening ◦ Mailed to your home 2 weeks after the screening ◦ Your results mailed to your physician free of charge
Yes the screening is completely confidential ◦ Only you will receive a copy of your results ◦ You can elect to have your physician receive a copy ◦ CHC is HIPAA, HITECH & GINA compliant Your organization will not see your personal screening results Your results are not shared with your insurance provider ◦ Your insurance provider will never penalize you for your screening results
All full time employees are eligible to participate in the upcoming onsite wellness screenings for NO OUT OF POCKET COST. Part- time employees and spouses may participate for at cost. Screenings will take place: Friday, October 29 th from 7:30am - 11:30am Thursday, November 4 th from 7:00am – 9:30am Friday, October 22 nd (Rolla) – 7:30am – 9:30am Watch for more details!
9 Powered by: The pedometer - Holds 41 days of data. - Visually shows 7 days of data - Tracks steps, aerobic steps and calories burned. - Can put it in your pocket or purse! Made with a dual axis system for more versatility. - Easy to upload steps! Links to your computer with a USB cord so you can upload steps whenever you want.
10 Powered by: Tracking individual progress…
11 Powered by: Tracking individual progress…
12 Powered by: Tracking team progress…
13 Powered by: Join now and you can participate in all 3 programs and earn great rewards Fall Walking Challenge 2011 Spring Walking Challenge 2011 Summer Walking Challenge The cost for one full year of online access to program tracking, a pedometer and USB cord to keep and eligibility for fun prizes is $78. The total amount will be paid by auto-deducting $3.90 from each paycheck (20 pay periods total).
14 Powered by: 2010 Fall Walking Challenge Rewards
18 Once you have entered your new profile page. Click ‘Follow-up Programs’ Then Click ‘ Walking Programs’
20 Powered by: You must sign up by August 27 th You will receive your pedometer from East Central College the first week in September.