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About how much of American businesses are owned by women?
One third
The Internet has given more power to this group of individuals
use this type of communications to reach a large number of different customers
bulk distribution
one of the main ingredients in insuring repeat business from a customer
high level of customer satisfaction
the collections of information about a customer’s age, home location, and spending habits
Why do hotels take surveys when their customers check out
to plan forecasts
This usually happens to a regular registration when the customer does not arrive by 6:00 p.m
the room is made available for walk- in customers
This is usually given to a customer when they make a reservations with a credit card
conformation number
Because the hospitality business is customer-driven, what big advantage does the customer have
the ability to negotiate price
large cities like having convention centers
they generate jobs they help the economy they generate local taxes
a great cyber market that allows customers to bid on hotel and airplane reservations
Large cities often use tax dollars to develop convention centers that help the economy
Four in ten online consumers prefer over paper mail for business correspondence.
Providing satisfying customer experiences for hotel and restaurant guests begins with the housekeeping department.
Selling a hospitality facility involves more than renting rooms or tables
The hospitality sales department realizes the direct relationship between customer satisfaction and repeat business.
Customers expect convenience and consistency from the hospitality industry.
A stayover customer has a guaranteed reservations
Hotels often use a data base to keep customer profiles which help in determining marketing strategies.
A business forecast is a record of the number of customers a business had in the past few years.
I would be considered an infomediarie if I was checking out of a hotel today.
All hotel employees should be concerned with the appearance of the hotel and hotel sales.
Many hotels will hold a room until 6:00 p.m. without a credit card.
The Democratic Party is considered a big “money maker” for hotels when they have a convention.
Fringe benefits such as health and dental insurance help keep employees loyal to their employers.