IBS PhD Job Application Process Overview and Helpful Tips Jeremy Kronick, Jing Ren, and Lauren Hasselriis-Ghom September, 2015
Agenda PhD candidate timeline and associated tasks (AEA and FMA) – Reference letters Faculty How Lauren can help – Reference letters – Job applications/status spreadsheet Questions?
PhD Candidate (AEA) Some of the information we cover is from Jeremy’s experience this year, but lots of great information can be found at: – % % pdf % % pdf May – August – Decide if you are going on the market. – Make sure your committee is finalized and on board. – Job market paper needs to be finalized. – Have CV, cover letter (outline), website done. September – Job talk. – Make changes and have as many people look at your job market paper as possible. – Make sure your second paper is done to the point where you can use it for submission and talk about it in interviews. – Book all AEA related stuff: hotel, flight, conference registration. – Have your committee reference letters finalized. Ask them to send electronic copies to Lauren (more details later).
PhD Candidate (AEA) (cont’d) October – Applications begin Other items you will need: thesis abstract, current and future research document, teaching philosophy statement, idea for a new course, past syllabi if courses taught, professor ratings if courses taught, transcripts (rare). November – Almost all applications done by Thanksgiving. – Due dates start anytime in October but most are mid- Nov and beyond. December – Mock job interview.
PhD Candidate (AEA) (cont’d) January – AEA conference: Put some interviews that you care less about early and late leaving the middle section for favorites, so you have some interviewing experience, but are not too tired. January – March – Flyouts begin any point after AEA. E.g. I got a call the day after the AEA conference and got my final call Valentine’s day. If possible, book flyouts you care less about as late as possible so you don’t end up being forced to accept/reject an offer from somewhere that is not your top choice. Secondary market scramble begins sometime in March.
PhD Candidate (AEA) (cont’d) Reference Letters – (Sept or as soon as you know) Lauren a list of your committee members who will provide reference letters for you. – (Sept – Oct) Ask each committee member to send an online version of their reference letter to Lauren. One letter per faculty member/candidate (for both private industry and academic applications) Write on IBS letterhead Sign Color print/scan, if possible – (Sept – Oct) Ask each committee member to upload letter to each “hub” (well in advance of when you start to apply to jobs). Hubs include: Econ Job Market, AEA, Academic Jobs Online, Interfolio* Set letters to “automatic” send Make Lauren “proxy” to act on their behalf, if needed In hubs, once documents exist, including letters, you choose which documents to send for each application *Intefolio doesn’t like “proxies.” Best if faculty work directly with this hub.
PhD Candidate (FMA) September – Applications begin Items you will need: the same as AEA. Have the reference letters finalized ASAP if you have not done so. Send out applications one month before the conference. Don’t wait until the deadline as the employers may stop looking at resumes if they have enough interview candidates.
PhD Candidate (FMA) (cont’d) October – FMA conference: Keep checking new positions posted on the FMA website. Some schools/ firms go to both FMA and AEA. Late October – November – Flyouts begin any point after FMA E.g. I got a call the day after the FMA conference Commonly asked questions (industry): When would you be available to start work? How much time would you need to take off in order to finish and defend your thesis? How do you handle any conflicts between work and completions of your thesis?
Faculty Committee Members (Sept- Oct) Send Lauren an electronic version of the reference letter asap. One letter per candidate, write on IBS letterhead, sign, color print/scan, if possible. (Sept – Oct) Upload your letter to each “hub” (Econ Job Market, AEA, Academic Jobs Online, Interfolio*) Set letters to “automatic” send. Make Lauren “proxy” to act on their behalf, if needed. IMPORTANT: As soon as you receive an asking you for your reference letter for a candidate, forward the to Lauren, who will send the letter. * Interfolio doesn’t like “proxies.” Best if faculty work directly with this hub.
How Lauren can Help Reference Letters – Lauren keeps the online file for each reference letter. – If the application requires it, she s (or snail mails) reference letters. Faculty committee members will receive telling them to forward the letter to someone at the school/business. They will forward the to Lauren, who will send the letter. – A note about weekends, Thanksgiving, and vacations. – Google spreadsheet Lauren creates/shares a spreadsheet for tracking application process/status.
How Lauren can Help (cont’d) Lauren creates and shares with you a Google spreadsheet to track your applications Submission Status (Candidate's name) Submission Method address (If reference letter to be ed.) Subject Line (If reference letter to be ed.) Name/title of person to (If reference letter to be ed.) Name of Instituti on/Org Title of Position/Area (Please be specific, eg, "Assistant Professor of Finance")Due Date Reference Letter Submission Status (Lauren) SUBMITTED ONLINE SUBMISSION du Job 2445 PhD Candidate Name Professor Adam Smith Universi ty of XYZ Assistant Professor Economics1/21/ /12/14 - LHG ed 3 refs SUBMITTEDAEANONE N/A Universi tyof ABC Assistant Professor of Economics1/23/2015DONE SUBMITTED ONLINE SUBMISSION nktank.org Analyst Postion Recruiting Committee ApexThi nkTankAnalyst 12/22/ /10/14 - LHG ed 3 refs DONE