“Manning the Force While Transforming for the Long War”ARRC- PRC AR Manning Strategy LTC Mark Cogburn Chief, AR G-1 STRATCOM Army Reserve G-1 War Council Winter 2007
“Manning the Force While Transforming for the Long War”ARRC- PRC Building AR End Strength RECONSTITUTE SELRES = TPU+IMA+ AGR End Strength Objective (ESO) = 205k (with 2% authorized variance) ESO = Funding (as of 29 Dec 06) (as of 3 Jan 07) Enlisted Officer Warrant Officer
“Manning the Force While Transforming for the Long War”ARRC- PRC Building AR End Strength Enlisted Accessions & Transfers Reenlistment (as of EOM Nov 06) Officer & WO Transfers TPU Gains TPU Losses (as of EOM Nov 06) (as of 29 Dec 06)
“Manning the Force While Transforming for the Long War”ARRC- PRC Building AR End Strength RECONSTITUTE Initiatives Retaining the Force - Incentives Contract lodging for those beyond commuting distance (URR) Change to law allowing IDT travel reimbursement (Air Force proposal, Army endorsed) Reserve-Assignment Incentive Pay (POM) Command Responsibility Pay (POM) Proposed changes to Montgomery GI Bill Proposed 4 Year ROTC Scholarships Re-look of AR benefit package (portfolio) Officer Retention Survey – data collection to begin in Jan 07 Referral program bonus increase from $1K to $2K Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) Managing the Force “Right Sizing” TTHS account DEP DTP NPS ARFORGEN prioritized targeted incentives Streamlined discharge of Unsatisfactory Participants (LSS)
“Manning the Force While Transforming for the Long War”ARRC- PRC READY POOL RESET/TRAIN POOL Rotational YearRT1RT2RT3R1A1 Army Reserve 5-Year Gated Strategy ARFORGEN ARFORGEN ARFORGEN ARFORGEN ARFORGEN RECONSTITUTETRAINVALIDATE/CERTIFYEMPLOY AVAIL POOL TPU/ AGR Manning DMOSQ Accessions P-4 (69%<=) 90-95% P-3/2 (70-79%) 90-95% P-1 (92%-100%) % NPS/PS (Will Train) (Obj) Set leadership positions and manning to execute training AC-RC (Obj) PS (Obj) NPS (Brig) Stabilize leadership PS (Brig) Fillers from IRR (Brig) Fillers from Individual Warrior Program (Obj) P-2 (80-91%) 90-95% P-1 (92%-100%) % Reassignments NPS/PS (Will Train) (Obj) Involuntary reassignment with attachment outside commuting distance (Obj) Involuntary reassignments into DEF/Stop Loss/Move (Brig) Contract lodging (Brig) CRP (Obj) RAIP (Obj) Mob Vol Bonus (Obj) Individual Training Collective Training Mobilization for Training (Reclass; Bridge) DMOSQ %80%85%90%100% ST 10 Incentives Contract lodging (Brig) IDT Travel (Obj) CRP (Obj) Education Deferral (Obj) Contract lodging (Brig) IDT Travel (Obj) CRP (Obj) Contract lodging (Brig) CRP (Obj) RAIP (Obj) Mob Vol Bonus (Obj) Involuntary reclassification (Obj) Individual Training Contract lodging (Brig) CRP (Obj) RAIP (Obj) CSRB (Obj)
“Manning the Force While Transforming for the Long War”ARRC- PRC AR G-1 Web Page RECONSTITUTE
“Manning the Force While Transforming for the Long War”ARRC- PRC Questions RECONSTITUTE
“Manning the Force While Transforming for the Long War”ARRC- PRC 0-50 PCT PCT PLUS E1-4 45,723 74% 7,769 13% 2,841 1, ,347 E5-E6 27,946 69% 5,259 13% 2,133 1, ,239 E7-E9 7,695 56% 1,959 14% 1, ,913 O1-O3 5,008 50% 1,388 14% ,101 O4-O5 3,948 44% 1,316 15% ,057 O % % WO % % Totals 91,652 68% 18,045 13% 7,890 4,445 2,878 13,301 Review of 139,562 Soldiers of 169,574 total IDT assigned (82 percent of force). Excludes GO, SMP, OCONUS commands, and invalid zip code for either Soldier or unit of assignment. Soldiers in TTHS were considered reassigned to “gaining unit.” Data review used personnel files as of 14 Sep 06. Distance analysis of partial force: 68 percent currently reside within 50 miles of unit, 81% within 100 miles, while 19% live beyond 100 miles. Distance Bands – Voluntary Reassignment Outside Commuting Distance 28,721 (39%) of AR junior Soldiers participate and have a net pay of nearly $0 due to travel costs incurred; and, they are at risk…