U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program June 26, 2003 USDA Presidential Initiatives Working Group Meeting Ira Hobbs, USDA Deputy CIO & Chris Niedermayer, USDA Associate CIO
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 2 Welcome and opening remarks: Ira Hobbs, Deputy CIO Review Project Plan Submissions Discuss “Where We’d Be Proud to Be” Template Q&A/Next Steps Agenda
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 3 OCIO has received project plans from 14 of the 19 initiatives. We have not received plans from: Recruitment One-Stop USA Services GovBenefits eTraining Enterprise HR Integration Most plans included an appropriate level of detail. eGovernment Team completing its review of the project plans and beginning to prepare individual, customized feedback. Once all the project plans have been received, OCIO will create an overall “USDA Presidential Initiatives Timeline” that will include all schedules and milestones. USDA Presidential Initiative Project Plans
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 4 Welcome and opening remarks: Ira Hobbs, Deputy CIO Review Project Plan Submissions Discuss “Where We’d Be Proud to Be” Template Q&A/Next Steps Agenda
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 5 “Where We’d Be Proud To Be” OMB, through Clay Johnson’s recent memo, placed a new emphasis on all Federal agencies developing goals that state “Where We’d Be Proud to Be” by July USDA pledged $2,000,000 in savings as a result of the Presidential Initiatives. The “Where We’d Be Proud to Be” template will clarify how USDA intends to meet this and other milestones that were included in the USDA Presidential Initiative Project Plans. “Where We’d Be Proud to Be” template will help determine what is needed to meet our goals, and migrate appropriate processes by July 2004.
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 6 “Where We’d Be Proud To Be” – Template New report will: Provide an inventory of the current “As-Is” by Presidential Initiative (PI) Show all USDA efforts that can be tied directly to PIs. Explain current progress Describe potential system migration along with associated costs and schedules All agencies represented on your team need to provide ideas and input. The more information and detail you provide, the better OCIO can assist your team in meeting your goals. Information should be tightly linked to Project Plans. Deadline for “Where We’d Be Proud to Be” template is July 11, 2003.
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 7 Example A. Presidential Initiative/ Interdepartmental B. USDA/Enterprise- wide or Cross-Mission Area C. Agency- Specific Efforts (with description of people, dollars involved, key metrics)* D. Current Progress (where are we) E. What Efforts from Column C Are We Migrating? (potential cost savings, etc) F. Target Date for Completion of Migration (mm/yyyy) G. What Would Make You Proud? (by July 2004) 1) eGrants Storefront2) eGrants Retrieval & Receipt (date ready) 3) USDA eGrants Backend Solution (date ready) 4) CREEMS ($90,000, 5 FTEs per annum, customer service KPIs) 5) RD - ($75,000, 4 FTEs per annum, customer service KPIs) RULSS, GLS, CPAP,AMAS, Unify 6) UES ($60,000, 3 FTEs per annum, customer service KPIs) 1) In progress 2) In progress 3) Not Started yet; approved business case; strong agency support 4) Operational 5) Operational with two new enhancements underway 6) Operational 1) Possible overlap with RD &CSREES re: 1.5 FTEs 1)June ) 3) 4) 5) 6) All USDA agencies using storefront. Fully functional eGrants Retrieval by March, KPIs = Key Performance Indicators Sample “Where We’d Be Proud To Be” Template * Dollar amounts and FTE numbers included in this example are illustrative and do not represent the actual amounts for this initiative.
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 8 Welcome and opening remarks: Ira Hobbs, Deputy CIO Review Project Plan Submissions Discuss “Where We’d Be Proud to Be” Template Q&A/Next Steps Agenda
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 9 Questions and Answers
U.S. Department of Agriculture eGovernment Program 10 Next Steps What help do you need to fill out the “Where We’d Be Proud to Be” template? What help do you need to meet the milestones included in your project plan? “Where We’d Be Proud to Be” Template due July 11, If you have questions while filling out the template, please contact the eGovernment Team at Next Meeting: July 8, 2003 from 10-11am in room S107.