Updates David Knox
Trailblazers David Knox Skills and Employability Service
Trailblazers In November 2012, the government-commissioned “Richard review of Apprenticeships” Current plans for implementing these reforms are set out in “the future of apprenticeships in England” The Key measures aim to: – Increase the quality of apprenticeships – Put employers in the driving seat – Simplify the system – Give employers Eight Trailblazers (employers) led the way by developing Apprenticeship standards for eleven sector occupations.Trailblazers The Key Dates: – 2015/16 period of transition to full implementation of the reforms – 2016/17 standards will have been developed for all the occupations where Apprenticeships should be available. – 2017/18 all new Apprenticeship starts from will use these employer defined standards. KCC is currently involved in phase 3
Changes to funding Government wants the standards of all apprenticeships to be raised to the level of the best, by making them more rigorous and more responsive to the needs of employers, so they can grow and compete. Giving employers direct control over the funding of the external training and assessment of their apprentices will give them more influence to improve its quality and relevance.
Funding model Core Government Contribution (CGC) Cap: Cap 1Cap 2Cap 3Cap 4Cap 5 £2 for every £1 from Employer £2,000 £1,000 £3,000 £1,500 £6,000 £3,000 £8,000 £4,000 £18,000 £9,000 Additional incentive payments Recruiting a year old£600£900£1,800£2,400£5,400 For a small business (<50)£500 £900£1,200£2,700 For successful completion£500 £900£1,200£2,700 Maximum total Government contribution£3,600£4,900£9,600£12,800£28,800