Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector
Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector Planning and Concept Development
Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector Day 1 What is a Passive House? Design According to the Passive House Criteria Design – Heating Systems and Energy Supply Design – Solar Energy Utilization Planning and Concept Development Realization and Construction Processes Basic educational course about Passive Houses, organised by a local partner in the European funded PASS-NET project Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector Day 2 Planning and Calculations – introduction to PHPP Energy Statistics, Standards and Certifications Design – Air tightness Design – Ventilation systems Design – Windows Regional examples of built Passive Houses Day 1 Planning and concept development
Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector Project idea Project idea development Client Private/public owner/s, organisation/s Project team Design stageBuilding stage Usage stage / renovation Decommission stage Project team + experts Project team + experts + workers Users Experts + workers Experts Planning and Concept Development Getting started - assembling the team Who should be involved and when? Source: IVL Building process Day 1 Planning and concept development
Day 1 Planning and Concept Development Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector Site layout Energy efficiency of a building depends on the sitting of the building by Using southern orientation of buildings for passive solar heating. Including shading for summer months to prevent overheating Avoiding placing buildings on shady places like northern slopes or the north side of dense forests or high buildings close to them. Considering compactness of the structure: tall buildings compared to row houses allow for approx. 10% less heating energy consumption Utilising roof areas for active solar use (in which optimum is solar panels facing south) Avoiding over-clouding of the building of its neighboring houses for more than 50% of the south-facing facade on December 21 at 14:00. Finding an optimum site for the building Source:
Day 1 Planning and Concept Development Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector Building permits Do the local regulations allow for Stepping outside the building lines for the size of the "extra insulation" needed for building passive houses? horizontally and vertically (in height) Change in orientation for optimizing the angles and best utilization of the sun? Are there any privileges for building passive houses when it comes to getting building permits (e.g. faster response or easier search for subsidies)? Adjustment of building lines Source: IVL
Day 1 Planning and Concept Development Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector Orientation, sun angle and shading ―Building orientation ―Surrounding buildings ―Obstacles ―Sun angle ―Shading ―Microclimate
Day 1 Planning and Concept Development Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector Building form and function Since heat is lost through transmission through the building envelope a compact building form gives a better energy performance due to less surface area. Service zones (kitchen, bathrooms, and toilets) should preferably be concentrated and positioned in the north area of the building as they need less window area. The building envelope including building services installations should be carefully considered to achieve a good air tightness.
Day 1 Planning and Concept Development Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector Comfort – radiation temperatures of different surfaces A living room – the impact of the building envelope on the indoor comfort...
Day 1 Planning and Concept Development Passive House Seminar for Professionals from the Building Sector Comfort – radiation temperature of different surfaces Cold component surfaces in poorly insulated houses cause unbalanced surface radiation temperatures. Old building - 10°C Outside air 22°C Indoor temperature All surfaces are moderately warm, even windows, resulting in pleasant surface radiation temperatures Passive house operativ e 22 Air operative 22 Air 17.8