MIT Satellite Team Kick-off Meeting Colonel John E. Keesee
Agenda Background Organization Schedule Training Communication Issues Actions
Background 16.83x project UNP competition – We won entrance to first phase! The OSMV vehicle description Mission: To validate the on-orbit performance of a Diverging Cusped-field Hall Thruster (DCHT) through various Air Force relevant SSA, ORS, and ISR mission scenarios
Why an MIT Satellite Team Our seniors are graduating The competition is graded based on distribution of participants across all year groups and several majors It’s a really good idea It will be a lot of fun!
Current Status vehicle –FlatSat operational test to be completed soon –Engineering model tested in vibe, thermal vacuum, and communication range –Software to be completed UNP vehicle (The MST vehicle) –System concept review completed –System requirements review 4/16/2009 –Preliminary design review 8/2009
Organization Program Management and Systems Engineering Power Propulsion Structure Thermal subsystem Avionics/Command and Data Handling Attitude Determination and Control Guidance and Navigation Communications Orbits Operations
Roles Ace programmers Machinists Electronic board designers CAD/ORCAD wizards Communications equipment designer Master solderer HAM radio operator Documentation expert/librarian skills
Schedule (1) Overall schedule –Summer UROPs –Systems Requirements Review 4/16/2009 –SHOT I June 2009 –Preliminary Design Review 8/2009 –SHOT II June 2010 –Critical Design Review 8/2010 –Competition for flight opportunity January 2011
Schedule (2) Spring activities –Bench Review 5/7/2009 Summer activities Plans for fall 2009 and beyond New projects (?)
Training Expert area telecons mentors Joe Robinson and John Richmond Professor Miller, Colonel Keesee, Professor Lozano, Alvar Saenz-Otero Space Mission Analysis and Design (SMAD) by Wertz and Larson Classes in fall 2009 (16.681) and spring 2010 (16.83x)
Communication list Website Fileshare
Issues Most of current team is graduating in June Lots to do over the summer Non-US citizens won’t have access to some materials
Actions Summer UROP applicants need to submit proposals by 4/16/2009 Participate in the SRR on 4/16 at 5:00 pm Attend the Bench Review on 5/7 2:00 – 6:00 pm Spread the word Build and launch some spacecraft Have fun!
Questions c SMAD