DateDecisionCommentsStatus 10/03/2013 High level workflow logic diagram for ePermits approved Gabbie Drice will provide overview to each subcommittee and ePermits staff (diagram next page) Approved Working Group Decisions
DateDecisionCommentsStatus 10/03/2013 Building Official Subcommittee will focus on proposed uniform application Uniform application should only include essential items that are common to all: Owner, location, Project Type In Progress 10/03/2013 GIS Subcommittee to determine Interface workflow logic and identify data required Links to Property Appraiser locking the location (including bays). All use same location address. In Progress 10/03/2013 Broward County ePermits staff to determine workflow processes for each project type Logic diagrams of the Project Type Workflow based on the Project Type and Location to be developed for use by IT Subcommittee In Progress 10/03/2013 IT Subcommittee will focus on how APIs are going to be built for the application Project Type Workflow will be used to notify applicable agencies or sections. In Progress 10/03/2013 Design Professionals Subcommittee will focus on all board standard rules regarding uploading Signed and Sealed documents Now that Engineers rule is done, bring in other design professional including Architects, Surveyors, and other specialty design professionals. Other documents not signed and sealed to follow. In Progress 10/03/2013 Marketing Subcommittee will focus on determining membership and identify marketing strategy With the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance, determine if their Permitting Action Team can also function as the ePermits Marketing Subcommittee and recommend a marketing strategy In Progress 9/20/2013 User’s Group Subcommittee to focus on defining users’ requirements Gather the permitting requirements for owners, agents, managers, contractors, and other construction industry users. In Progress Working Group Decisions
DateDecisionCommentsStatus 10/03/2013 Chairs to provide handouts to Leads two days prior to subcommittee meetings Leads set and approve agendas. Leads distribute hand-outs at meetings. Approved 10/03/2013 Change the name of the Construction Subcommittee to User’s Group Subcommittee Description: Includes Owners, Managers, and Construction Industry Representation Complete 10/03/2013 Maintain a posted list of Subcommittee Recommendations Recommendations made to the Working Group for review and approval Complete 09/11/2013 Form Design Professionals SubcommitteeChair Chris Zimmerman Administrative Lead: Elizabeth SuskyComplete 09/11/2013 Form Marketing SubcommitteeThe Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance will confirm chairComplete 09/11/2013 Building Permits are first goal for ePermitsFollowed by others (environmental, engineering, zoning, etc.)Approved 09/11/2013 Subcommittees will name alternate chairsBy next meetingPartially complete 09/11/2013 Rename Cities Subcommittee to Building Officials Subcommittee Complete 09/11/2013 Rename Contractors Subcommittee to Construction Subcommittee Includes Owners, Managers, and Construction Industry Representation Complete Working Group Decisions