Weapons and Technology of World War II by Nicholas S.
WWII Guns WWII introduced many new guns including the submachine gun, carbines, assault rifle and machine gun.
WWII Tanks Tanks have mobility, powerful guns and thick armor. They were the main offensive land weapon of WWII.
WWII Ships WWII ships included battleships, cruisers, destroyers, frigates and aircraft carriers.
WWII Planes WWII planes included bombers and fighters. Bombers were heavy and slow. Fighters were light and fast.
WWII Rockets and Missiles WWII missiles included V-1 and V-2 rockets. The V-1 could be shot down by anti-aircraft guns, the V-2 was harder to stop. The WWII V-1 Doodle Bug Flying Bomb
WWII Artillery WWII artillery was useless against fast moving targets. It was used to destroy tanks and non-moving targets.