Warm Up
6.1 Relating lines to planes Obj: understand basic concepts to planes Identify four methods of determining a plane Apply two postulates concerning lines and planes Obj: understand basic concepts to planes Identify four methods of determining a plane Apply two postulates concerning lines and planes
Plane Two dimensions (length and width) No thickness Does not end or have edges Labeled with lower case letter in one corner Two dimensions (length and width) No thickness Does not end or have edges Labeled with lower case letter in one corner m
Coplanar Points, lines or segments that lie on a plane Non-Coplanar Points, lines or segments that do not lie in the same plane A B C m A C B m
Definition: Point of intersection of a line and a plane is called the foot of the line. B is the foot of AC in the plane m. A C B m
4 ways to determine a plane Three non-collinear points determine a plane One point - many planes Two points - one line or many planes Three linear point - many planes 1. n n
T45: A line and a point not on the line determine a plane. 2.
T46: Two intersecting lines determine a plane. 3.
4. T47: Two parallel lines determine a plane.
Two postulates concerning lines and planes P1: If a line intersects a plane not containing it, then the intersection is exactly one point. X C Y m
P2: If two planes intersect, their intersection is exactly one line. m n
A P B C m Given: ABC lie in plane m PB AB PB BC AB BC Prove: <APB <CPB