The Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) at OSU
What is Remote Sensing? What does your “remote” do for your TV? (It’s a “remote”, but it’s not really a “sensor”). How does a flash work for your camera? How about an X-ray? What about a bat or dolphin’s sonar?
Remote sensors are instruments......that detect and record the amount of energy received. The black arrows show energy that is naturally being sent toward space from various surfaces on Earth. The red arrow shows a pulse of energy that was sent out by the instrument on the satellite, and which then travels back to the satellite and is recorded. It represents an “active” sensor. reflection emission scattering (satellite)
What’s an ICE SHEET?
How is it different from a glacier?
The ice is gray. Can you see “flow lines”?
What can we learn “remotely”?
What is CReSIS doing? The mission of CReSIS is to develop technologies; conduct field investigations; compile and analyze data to characterize ongoing rapid changes in polar ice sheets and to develop models that explain and predict ice-sheet interactions with climate and sea level. (Insert Picture here)
Melting ice on land contributes to sea level rise.
Designing a plane!
Checking the glaciers!
Science: describes, explains, and predicts.
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