Presentation Main Projects 16th June 2009 – Laukaa, Finland European Union European Regional Development Fund
Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee Priority One Objective: To promote competitiveness by increasing and developing the capacity for innovation and networking in rural and peripheral areas. 1.2 Sustainable hunting tourism - business opportunity in the Northern Europe – NPP HUNT 1.6 Solutions for competitive pellet production in medium size enterprises - PELLETime 1.21Environment friendly fish farming and use of cleaner fish – Eco Fish 3.4 Retail in Rural Regions – RRR 4.4 New Plants for the Northern Periphery Market - NPNP
Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee Objective: To facilitate development through the use of advanced information and communication technologies and transportation in the programme area 1.8Competitive Health Services in Sparsely Populated Areas 1.12Digital Age in Rural and Remote Areas – DARRA 1.13Northern Creative Youth – No-Cry 1.15 Climatic 2.3Connected Mobile Communities in the Northern Periphery, 2.4 Co-Safe 4.1 ROADEX IV 4.5 Rural Transport Solutions - RTS
Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee Priority Two Objective To strengthen the synergies between environmental protection and growth in remote and peripheral regions. 1.3 Northern Environment Education Development (NEED) 1.16 Developing Scots Pine 2.8 Assessing sustainability of forest based activities in rural areas of the Northern Periphery- Northern ToSIA 2.12 Sustainable Aquaculture of Arctic Charr – Northcharr
Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee Priority Two Objective To strengthen the synergies between environmental protection and growth in remote and peripheral regions (continued) 3.7 Warning of Algal Toxin Events to support aquaculture in the NPP coastal zone Region 3.6 Micro Waste to Energy Business: micro energy to rural enterprise - MicrE 3.11 The Sea as Our Neighbour: Sustainable Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal Communities and Habitats on Europe’s Northern Periphery – Coast Adapt 4.2 Regional Approach to Stimulating Local Renewable Energy Solutions - RASLRES 4.8 Solutions for Micro-generation to allow Energy Saving Technology - Smallest
Approved projects by the Programme Monitoring Committee Objective: To improve sustainable development in peripheral regions by strengthening urban-rural relations and enhancing regional heritage. 1.4 Older People for Older People – O4O 1.10My Age 1.19Economusées Northern Europe 2.11Our Life as Elderly implementation – OLE II 4.7 The Thing
Lead partner Finland
Rural Transport Solutions - RTS Priority: 1 Budget: , 04 EUR Project duration: 1 st September 2009 – 31 st August 2012 Synopsis: Develop innovative and sustainable rural and coastal transport schemes and services reducing social exclusion and enhancing the vitality and sustainability of sparsely populated areas in Northern Periphery Community paid or subsidised public transports are a considerable financial burden for small and rural/costal municipalities Long distances in rural and costal areas increase the need for cost-efficiency as well as minimizing the pollution from transports Expected outcomes: Description of Good Transport Practices in Peripheral Areas Transnational Contact Centres Analysis New Transport Solutions Action Model
Rural Transport Solutions - RTS Partenership Lead partner: Regional Council of North Karelia, Finland Partner 2: County Council of Västernorrland, Sweden Partner 3: The South West of Scotland Transport Partnership, Scotland Partner 4: Development Center of East Iceland Partner 5: Shetland Islands Council, Scotland Partner 6: Pielinen Karelia Development Center, PIKES, Finland Contact details: Mr Risto Poutiainen Phone:
Lead partner Sweden
ROADEX IV Priority: 1 Budget: Euro Project duration: 1 st July 2009 – 30 th June 2012 Synopsis: The project aims to bring about real operational change in the construction and maintenance of rural roads across the Northern Periphery through a combination of consultancy services, demonstration projects and education. ROADEX developed services (strategies) and products (technologies) will be used on local roads by local Partners supported by a ROADEX consultancy service and knowledge centre” Expected outcomes: Demonstration projects The ROADEX knowledge centre Continuing research on: The effects of climate change on road construction and maintenance. Construction strategies on how to plan and construct road widenings; Health of regular road users.
ROADEX IV Partnership: Lead partner: Swedish Road Administration, Sweden Partner 2: Finnish Road Administration, Finland Partner 3: The Highland Council, Scotland Partner 4: Western Isles Council, Scotland Partner 5: Forestry Commission, Scotland Partner 6: Department of Transport Ireland Partner 7: National Roads Authority, Ireland Partner 8: Swedish Forest Agency, Sweden Partner 9: Icelandic Road Administration Partner 10: Greenland Home Rule Government, Greenland Partner 11: Norwegian Public Road Administration Contact details: Mr Krister Palo Phone:
New Plants for the Northern Periphery Market Priority: 1 Budget: EUR Project duration: 1 st July 2009 – 30 th June 2012 Synopsis: “Enhancing diversity, sustainability, and business opportunities, by increasing the horticulture sector and production of regionally based plant material for local markets in the Northern Periphery region” Developing new markets for new and existing plants in the Northern Periphery region and develop expertise in growing the new plant material in the special conditions, climate and distances found within the NPP area Expected outcomes: 12 new varieties of plants Indoor and outdoor demonstration areas Advisory service to nurseries
New Plants for the Northern Periphery Market Partnership: Lead partner: Piteå Municipality, Department of Culture and Leisure, Sweden Partner 2: Agrifood Research MTT, Finland Partner 3: Agronomy Institute, Orkney College, UHI, Scotland Partner 4: Agriculture University of Iceland, Departmern of Landscape Planning, Iceland Partner 5: Botanical Gardens, University of Oulu, Finland Contact details: Ms Mona Lundberg Phone:
Lead partner Norway
Thing sites International Networking Group Priority: 2 Budget: € Project duration: from 1 st of July 2009 to 30 th of June 2012 Synopsis: To exchange knowledge, specify, develop and test new and improved services for sustainable management and business development at the Northern European Thing sites. Objectives The objective is to exchange knowledge, specify, develop and test new and improved services for sustainable management and business development at the Northern European Thing sites. Expected outcomes Products/services The project results should contribute to a future nomination process of a serial inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List of the North Atlantic Thing sites
Thing sites International Networking Group Series of surveys and documentation activities and international workshops and seminars held in each of the involved regions to develop shared knowledge and understanding of the history of Thing Sites to support the new regional service development activities Implement and test interpretation methods for local, regional and inter-regional content development and branding, and mainstream leading recommendations for improved services for sustainable tourism and site management Combine the results and new knowledge into an ICT web2.0 based service to promote and support the protection, management and interpretation of the Thing sites and to stimulate mobilisation and networking between the interested end-users, regional and international knowledge providers including the regional authorities and universities.
Thing sites International Networking Group Partnership Lead Partner: Sogn and Fjordane County Council, Leikanger, Norway Partner 2: Gulen Municipality, Eivindvik, Norway Partner 3:Thingvellir national park, Selfoss, Iceland Partner 4: Shetland Amenity Trust, Shetland, Scotland Partner 5: Department of Archaeology, Orkney College, Kirkwall. Scotland Partner 6: The Highland Council, Inverness, Scotland Partner 7: Kunningarstovan, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands Associated partner: Manx National Heritage, Douglas, Isle of Man, United Kingdom Contact details Project manager: Trond Ueland Telephone:
Lead partner Scotland
Solutions for Micro generation to Allow Energy Saving Technology - SMALLEST Priority: 2 Budget: € Project duration: from 1 st of July 2009 to 30 th of June 2012 Synopsis: The project will establish an innovative service across NPP to raise the scale and quality of training, mentoring and support for rural communities needed to develop micro renewable energy sources (MRES). The SMALLEST service will assist rural communities increase their awareness, planning and commercial capability, improve skills provision and capacity for MRES development. The SMALLEST project will add value by customising and integrating existing advisory services gaps in community training and mentoring, providing knowledge transfer of economic development together with supporting business modelling solutions relating to MRES in communities. Objectives The objective of the SMALLEST project is to enable rural communities throughout the NPP region to access MRES solutions more effectively. This will increase and accelerate the uptake of MRES solutions.
Solutions for Micro generation to Allow Energy Saving Technology - SMALLEST Expected outcomes Products/services The service to be introduced as a new training service for enabling changes in energy generation in remote rural communities, and help to introduce MRES (Micro Renewable Energy Sources) solutions to replace traditional energy generation, reducing costs, pollution, environmental damage, and encouraging self-reliance for their future energy generation.
Solutions for Micro generation to Allow Energy Saving Technology - SMALLEST Partnership Lead partner: International Resources and Recycling Institute, Dumfriesshire, Scotland Partner 2:UHI Inverness College, Inverness, Scotland Partner 3: North Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Joensuu, Finland Partner 4: Action Renewables, Belfast, Northern Ireland Partner 5: University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland Partner 6: Fuglafjørður Municipality, Fuglafjørður,Faroe Islands Partner 7: Municipality of Norsjö, Norsjö, Sweden Partner 8: Development Centre of East Iceland, Egilsstadir, Iceland Partner 9: Pure Energy, Shetland, Scotland Associated partner: Qeqatta Municipality, Qeqatta, Greenland Associated partner: Runde Environmental Centre, Runde, Norway Associated partner: Upper Eskdale Development Group, Eskdalemuir, Scotland Associated partner: Moffat CAN, Moffat, Scotland Associated partner: Association of Faroese Municipalities, Kvívík, Faroe Islands
Solutions for Micro generation to Allow Energy Saving Technology - SMALLEST Contact details: Project manager: Kezia Howes Telephone:
Lead partner Ireland
Regional Approach to Stimulating Local Renewable Energy Solutions (RASLRES) Priority: 2 Budget: € 2,881,507 Project duration: from 1 st of September 2009 to 31 st of August 2012 Synopsis:The RASLRES project will design, pilot, and disseminate optimized service products to achieve sustainable local markets for specific renewable energy solutions. Objectives To increase the deployment and uptake of locally produced renewable energy solutions in the NPP area. Expected outcomes Products/services Establish wood fuels and marine biomass as viable alternative to fossil fuels and raising the awareness along the whole supply chain. 6 piloted Renewable Energy Supply Chains to demonstrate how to implement these Renewable Energy Supply Chains. Establish target levels of economical production and usage for small and medium scale deployment projects Implementation of strategies for overcoming the barriers to deployment of renewable energy systems in the NPP rural areas
Regional Approach to Stimulating Local Renewable Energy Solutions (RASLRES) Partnership Lead Partner: Western Development Commission, Ballaghadeereen, Ireland Partner 2: Action Renewable, Belfast, Northern Ireland Partner 3: Environmental Research Institute, Thurso, Scotland Partner 4: Norrsjö Municipality of Västerbotten Region, Sweden Associated Partner : Faroese Earth and Energy Directorate,Torshavn, Faroe Associate Partner 6:VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Jyväskylä, FIN Associate Partner 7:Ocean Rainforest, Faroe Islands Associate Partner 8:Sustainable Energy Ireland, Dublin, Ireland Associate Partner 9:Teagasc, Dublin, Ireland Associate Partner 10: Irish Farmers Association, Dublin, Ireland Associated partner 11: Udaras Na Gaeltachta,Ireland Associated partner12: Irish Bio energy Association, Ireland Contact details Project manager: Ian Brannigan Telephone: