Project 1.1 Control and Operation of Remote Microgrids Dr. Amirnaser Yazdani Ryerson University
Overall Objective Enhanced utilization of renewable energy in remote electrification systems Benefits Mitigation of fuel consumption in Canadian diesel-powered remote communities Electrification of powerless Canadian remote communities Global market for off-grid and hybrid remote electrification systems
Technical Challenges and Milestones Stable and robust islanded operation of multiple distributed energy resources – Energy resource control algorithms – Power-electronic interface configurations – Decentralized control algorithms – Protection algorithms Effective supervisory control of energy resources in islanded distribution networks – On-line energy management and optimization algorithms – Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
Preliminary work and Recent Progress TopicIEEE Transactions Other Journal s Conference Papers Energy Resource Control Algorithms 1 Published 3 Under Rev. _2 Published Power-Electronic Interface Configurations 1 Published1 Under Rev._ Decentralized Control Algorithms1 Published__ Protection Algorithms1 Published__ On-Line Energy management and Optimization Algorithms __1 Published ICTNot Started
Explanation of Delays Ph.D. student hired at UWO chose to not participate Project leader moved from UWO to Ryerson Revised Recruitment Plan A Ph.D. student is being hired at Ryerson, for January 2012 Two M.Sc. students are sought for Fall 2012 (Ryerson does not allow Masters-level fall admissions)