May 13, 2011 Getting to Know the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Norms for the Day Honor Time Share the Air Time Positive Participation Be a Learner Cell Phones on Vibrate Stay Focused on the Work of the Day
Vision for the CCSS Implementation Deep Understanding Meaningful Change Improved Student Achievement
Outcomes What are the CCSS and where did they come from? When will we be expected to implement the CCSS? How will the CCSS affect assessments like the MEAP and MME? How do the CCSS compare to Michigan’s GLCE and HSCE? What type of PD is available for us on the CCSS? What will we have to change? What will stay the same?
Agenda Clicker quiz Defining excellence CCSS Background Exploring the CCSS documents Michigan implementation of CCSS Lunch at noon (1 hour on your own) Planning for implementation Final assessment
Rate your knowledge about/familiarity with the CCSS. 1. Never heard of it 2. Heard of it 3. Looked at the document(s) 4. Examined the documents
Rate your knowledge about/familiarity with your district’s curriculum. 1. I never used it 2. I saw it 3. I used it 4. I helped create it
Rate your district’s curriculum alignment with GLCE/HSCE. 1. Getting Started 2. Partially Implemented 3. Implemented 4. Exemplary
Rate classroom implementation of your district’s curriculum. 1. Getting Started 2. Partially Implemented 3. Implemented 4. Exemplary
How well are your district’s graduates prepared for college and/or career? 1. I don’t know 2. Not prepared 3. Somewhat prepared 4. Fully prepared
How often is your curriculum reviewed/revised? 1. I don’t know 2. Quarterly 3. Yearly 4. Every 2 to 5 years
Which content areas have power standards identified? 1. ELA 2. Math 3. Science 4. Social Studies 5. Non-core
Rate your district’s integration of reading and writing in all content areas. 1. Getting Started 2. Partially Implemented 3. Implemented 4. Exemplary
Which choice most closely describes your district’s plan for implementation of the common core? 1. What plan? 2. The CCSS will go away. 3. We have had discussions. 4. Our plan is done and is for sale!
What is Excellence?
Evidence of Excellence As a team, brainstorm characteristics of an excellent school/district. Choose your top five characteristics. What would be the evidence?
What are the CCSS?
Criteria for Standards Development Fewer, clearer & higher Aligned to college & work expectations 21 st Century Skills Internationally benchmarked Research & evidence based
So, why do we need the CCSS?
Data Review As we look at the following graphs, please consider: How might this data be connected to the creation and adoption of the Common Core State Standards?
Sources Link US Performance Across International Assessments Quality Counts (ED Week: $4.95 fee)
What is Excellent Curriculum?
Quality Curriculum Brainstorm what makes a quality curriculum.
Curriculum Rubric
Quality Curriculum Brainstorm what makes a quality curriculum. Highlight your characteristics in the rubric. How does this rubric relate to how you answered the pre- quiz? As a team, rate your district’s curriculum on the rubric. If you are doing both ELA and Math, choose one color for math and one for ELA.
What is expected in the common core?
Common Core State Standards Introduction Read Around the Text Read your quote at your table and discuss. Find the quotes in the text. “Read around” the quote in the time given. Talk at your table discuss any new insights/connections. Report the two or three most significant insights.
Table Discussion What are the common instructional practices from the math and ELA documents? What are the implications for teaching and learning?
When is it happening?
SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
SBAC Assessment Design Proposal Assessment window vs. single day administration Multiple opportunities to assess Quick results available to support instruction Emphasis on problem-solving and critical thinking Online testing and reporting
Assessment Design Grade/ ELAType of Component Type of Data produced FrequencyNumber of items Administratio n Mode Scoring Method 3-8Summative assessing Common Core Scale score for achievement and growth Once annually – 1-2 opportunities 30 Selected response 3 Extended constructed response 7 Technology enhanced 1 Performance event Computer Adaptive, SR, ECR, TE Computer Delivered: teacher administered performance event Computer Adaptive: automated computer scoring Performance Event Combination of AI and teacher Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Assessment Design Grade/ ELA Type of Component Type of Data produced FrequencyNumber of items Administratio n Mode Scoring Method HSSummative assessing Common Core Scale score for achievement and growth Once annually – 1-2 opportunities Must be administered at grade 11, may administer in grades 9 & Selected response 3 Extended constructed response 7 Technology enhanced 3 Performance event Computer Adaptive, SR, ECR, TE Computer Delivered: teacher administered performance event Computer Adaptive: automated computer scoring Performance Event Combination of AI and teacher
Timeline for Transition Getting to know the CCSS/Alignment work 2010 MEAP/2011MME remain the same State focus will be on technical assistance Implementation of CCSS in classrooms 2011 MEAP/2012 MME remain the same State focus will be on instruction/professional development
Timeline for Transition 2012 MEAP minimally modified as necessary to reflect the CCSS 2013 MME remains the same State focus will be on student learning 2013 MEAP based on 2012 model 2014 MME remains the same State focus will be on preparing for new assessments from SMARTER Consortium Full implementation - Instruction and assessment based on CCSS
How will it affect me?
Getting to Know the CCSS Select 5 big ideas at your grade level/course in ELA or Math. Where is each big idea addressed in the CCSS? What are the similarities and differences between CCSS and Michigan Content Expectations?
MDE Crosswalk link _30334_ ,00.html
LUNCH See you in an hour.
Welcome Back How does this relate to our work with the Common Core State Standards?
Where do we start?
Implementation Planning How will this information be shared? What practices do we need to continue? What practices do we need to expand? What practices do we need to discontinue? What will we do to begin implementing the CCSS?
Scheduled PD Reading Apprenticeship – Literacy in the content areas Effective Literacy K-4 K-12 Mathematical Practices Rethinking Secondary Literacy Co-teaching
Rate your knowledge about/familiarity with the CCSS. 1. Never heard of it 2. Heard of it 3. Looked at the document(s) 4. Examined the documents
Which choice most closely describes your district’s plan for implementation of the common core? 1. What plan? 2. The CCSS will go away. 3. We have had discussions. 4. Our plan is done and is for sale!