What does a ‘Literacy Rich Teaching and Learning Environment’ look like? Work with colleagues at your table and make a list of what it would look and sound like. View the upcoming slide show and add to your list.
A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… is engaging.
Welcomes learners to their day of learning.
Learners have ownership.
Is created by the teacher and learners.
Promotes inquiry.
A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… is differentiated/provides access to the learning for all learners.
Teachers meet the individual needs of learners.
Learners have choices.
Materials are differentiated.
A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… uses a variety of data techniques.
Teachers use progress monitoring to inform instruction.
A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… promotes language and thinking development.
Thinking time is planned.
Builds schema and vocabulary.
Extends thinking.
Provides many opportunities for language development.
Records thinking and learning.
Showcases written language.
A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… is intentionally created and used.
Teachers are intentional.
Materials are intentionally chosen.
A literacy rich teaching and learning environment… provides opportunities for learners to develop learning behaviors.
Teaches organization, independence and self-regulation.
Social behaviors are learned and practiced.
Fosters problem solving.
Provides practice developing stamina and focus.
Promotes risk taking.
A literacy rich teaching and learning environment … is engaging develops language and thinking is differentiated uses data is intentional promotes learning behaviors