Reading Non Fiction Text in Science
We Are Gathered Here Today… Integrate literacy strategies into science Show the integration of technology in a lesson Create a product to use in your classroom
Infusing Reading Instruction Nonfiction reading instruction is easily infused into science with the reading materials supplied in the kit Authentic use of nonfiction text Student recognized the importance of using reading strategies in all content areas Science text gives a wide variety of text structure used specifically in nonfiction text
Myths about Nonfiction reading and students Students learn everything they need to know about reading in their language arts class Students have sufficient prior knowledge to cope effectively with important information The processes involved in reading and comprehending efficiently in content textbooks are identical to those used from the basal readers Content reading means teaching phonics and other skills not directly related to their subject areas Teachers are information dispensers
Types of Reading Selections in Science Kits Discovery Decks-STC Kits Student Reading Booklets-Foss Kits Discovery Magazine Student Lab Books-Reading Selections Sixth Grade-Light Kit Student Lab Book
Managing The Reading During Science Instruction Assigned as home reading Before and after science investigations to bring relevance and reinforce science conceptual understanding Completes the storyline of the science kits to see the progression of investigations During Language Arts Block Can be used in reading flex groups Part of reading center work Read alouds during language arts direct instruction modeling nonfiction text reading strategies
Treasure Hunt
Debrief What was a strength of this lesson? How can you extend this lesson?
Nonfiction Reading Strategies Packet of resources to aid students
Your time to work Get into groups making sure you are not with someone that is on your grade level Share ideas in you have used in your classroom to have students gather information from the reading materials Create student directed activities using science reading materials from your kit