On Thursday, September 12, 1940… … The floor formed a succession of terraced basins, full of water. The uncertain light of their lamp barely pierced the darkness, and it wasn't till they reached the first narrowing of the passage, at the entrance to a keyhole shaped gallery ( The Painted Gallery), that the four teenagers made out the first paintings on the walls.The Painted Gallery Their names were : Marcel Ravidat, Jacques Marsal, Georges Agnel et Simon Coencas.
Hall of Bulls The materials (or media) that the people used was blood and ochre. The tools they used were reeds – one would blow saliva and other solutions / earthly materials through the reed. The subjects in this cave painting are bisons and bulls.
Diagram of Lascaux Caves This is the cave that was discovered by Marcel Rivedat and his friends. As you go into the caves, you see the Great Hall of Bulls first, then you would follow to see other important scenes that are explained more later.
Spotted Horses These are pictures of horses that were hunted. These are large drawing that were quite successful. This is located in Spain. The hand prints are the hunters’ signatures and they are also how hunters marked their territory.
Three Cows and One Horse
Chinese Cow(Close Up)
WellScene This is also called “Shaft of the Dead Man”. The man isn’t as detailed as the animal which indicates that the animal has more soul or spirit attached to it – the animal is alive and the man is not. Therefore, the hunt is more important than the hunter.
Marching Warriors Created in 8000 – 3000 B.C. This is realistic to the actions that warriors had to do, which was to fight. The artworks had a lot of spirit and they made the figures look like they were alive.
Venus of Willendorf This was known to be a Common fertility idol used by woman of prehistoric cultures. The women would pass these statues onto their daughters and grand–daughters in the hope that the women would continue to have babies and that the babies would be healthy.
Bison With Turned Head This is an example of relief sculpture, or “flattened sculpture in the round”. This was carved to represent a great bison, lying on his side, licking the wound in his flank from the hunter’s spear.