PAY IT FORWARD IN YOUR COMMUNITY In groups of three or four you will be going out in the community to “Pay it forward” and help make your neighborhood a better place. “Never look down on anybody unless you are helping them up.” Jesse Jackson
This will take place on two afternoons throughout the year. You are encouraged to keep in mind that staying at the same place would be beneficial. This will require one adult to accompany your group on your mission. This adult will also need to be your driver to and from your activity.
Your activity should somehow involve helping out or sharing your time with those that will benefit from your visit. It is all volunteer time. (You are not to receive any $) You and your group are responsible for coming up with an activity and making inquiries into what you would be doing for the afternoon.
You then need to have your idea approved by your teacher before you proceed with booking and planning the details of you activity. You also need to have the parent (that has all the proper forms…very easy to do ) that is accompanying you, return the special permission form agreeing to accompany you and to drive your group to your destination stay with you and bring you back.
You will all need to have your permission form returned and signed before you can go. Your group will also need to bring a camera (preferably digital) to take pictures during your activity as you will be making a power point and reporting on your experience back at school.
Suggestions The 1 st step is to talk to your parents, parent’s friends, neighbors, aunts, uncles and any other connections you have to find a volunteer opportunity. Be Creative! You will have already established a trust with them that will make the process easier.
Pay it Forward The concept of paying it forward is to do something nice for another person or group, without expecting any form of payment in return. “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.” Napoleon Hill
PAY IT FORWARD IN YOUR COMMUNITY CONTRACT Contact Name: ______________________________ Contact Number:____________________________ Name of place:_____________________________ Location of place:____________________________ Names of the group members: ______________ ____________ _________________ ______________ Name and phone number of accompanying parent: ___________________________________ Detailed description of what you will be doing at the place ( a timeline of the activities would be best) ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________
PAY IT FORWARD IN YOUR COMMUNITY Goals Explain what your goals are and what you would like to accomplish from this activity. ___________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ _______________________________
PAY IT FORWARD IN YOUR COMMUNITY Parent observation feedback Form Parent Name:__________________________ Please give each member a rating of 1-4 for their participation in this activity. 4—Student worked hard at activity, conducted themselves appropriately, 3— Student was usually on task at activity, conducted themselves appropriately,, 2— Student was rarely on task, may not always have conducted themselves appropriately 1—Student did not participate in task/was not on task, acted inappropriately at the activity Student Name:Rating ______________________________ Please write any comments you feel necessary to explain ratings or thoughts on how the activity went or any other comments you would like to add. ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ Thank you again for all of your time and help!
Marking Criteria for Volunteer Activity Pay it Forward in Your Community contract is completed and approved Parent observation feed-back form complete and handed in Feed-back form indicates appropriate participation in planned activities Planned activities adequately completed Pictures taken to document the planned activities Group needs to complete a reflection of what the group wants to accomplish (goals sheet) before
Marking Criteria for Power Point: created to document activity: minimum 10 pics documenting activity captions under or beside pic explaining written description of activity each team member writes a ½ page personal response to the activity and includes it in the power point Group of what was accomplished ( in connection with goals sheet) and how they feel about that accomplishment includes large title, names of group members, name of location, appropriate use of power point. Overall appearance shows pride in workmanship/ care in construction and attention to detail =fvwhttp:// =fvw
Ideas Picking up garbage at a park, stream, beach Volunteer at a Senior Centre Volunteer at an animal shelter Offer to do yard work for a neighbor Bake cookies and hand them out Offer to wash neighbors cars Volunteer at an elementary school Hand out thank you cards, flowers, balloons to local vendors Collect toys and clothing to donate to a local charity AND…….????