Children learn through play. Computers make it easy for children to learn. Children learn most at a young age. Number Skills
Select an Option Getting Started Activities Number Skills Numbers to 5 Numbers to 10 Numbers to 15 Numbers to 20 Subtraction Multiples Numbers, digits, place value Using the Index Progress sheets
The Main Menu Number Skills activitiesOther activities Start a young child with these
The Main Menu Childsplay is the ideal starter. To select an activity click the number on its left.
Childsplay Learn Animal Sounds. Do Puzzles.Leave out.
Childsplay Leave out Memory Games. Animal Names Names of Numbers Find letters on the keyboard Spelling Game
The Main Menu Colour in pictures without any mess.
Kea Coloring Book Pour the colour into the section you want to paint. Choose a colour. No mess. This option washes all the paint away.
The Main Menu This type of game develops memory. Open the ‘Test your Memory’ activity. Click the buttons so that you get two of each colour or picture.
The Main Menu Do this one when you start numbers. Open the ‘Join the Dots’ activity.
Join the Dots Do these activities when learning to count.
The Main Menu Open the ‘Find your way through Mazes’ activity.
Find your Way through Mazes Solve mazes on-screen or print them to solve. Develop thinking skills
The Main Menu Open the ‘Sebran’ activity.
Sebran Here you can change settings and also change the program to Afrikaans. Use the Sebran activities to supplement acitivities in other sections when you do them.
Main Menu The number skills options cover all the basic sections a child must know. Number Skills options.
Main Menu Open the ‘Numbers to 5’ menu. Number Skills start with numbers to 5.
Numbers to 5 This activity uses nature’s abacus (fingers) to introduce counting. Open the ‘Numbers to 5 and counting’ option. 1 2 and so on, followed by exercises.
Numbers to 5 Open the ‘What is the Number?’ option. In the next activity the child matches objects with a number.
Click the ‘Go’ button to start.
In this way get the man to the top of the stairs. Click the number which matches the objects.
Numbers to 5 In this option the child counts the number of objects on the screen. Open the ‘Count how many to 5’ option.
How many dogs? To go to the next question click the right answer.
Numbers to 5 In this option the child counts the number of animals in rows on the screen. Open the ‘Count animals to 5’ option.
Practice Counting Click the Go button to start.
Practice Counting The child counts and then clicks the answer button.
Practice Counting The child gets rewarded with a star and the next question appears.
Numbers to 5 In this activity the child practices counting. Open the ‘Count to 5’ option.
Click the ‘Go’ button to start an activity. This basic activity develops counting skills.
Click the numbers in numeric order. The numbers rearrange.
Numbers to 5 In this activity the child practices counting down. Open the ‘Count back from 5’ option.
Click the ‘Go’ button to start an activity. Here the child learns how to count back or down.
Click the numbers in reverse order. The numbers rearrange.
Numbers to 5 In this activity the child is shown how to write digits by tracing them on the screen. Open the ‘Write the numbers 1 to 5’ option.
Students trace the number (digit) shape with their fingers on the screen or in the air in front of the screen. 2
Numbers to 5 This worksheet shows the numbers 1 to 5 and can be displayed on a wall. Open the ‘Write the numbers 1 to 5’ option.
Learn numbers 1 to 5 A printout of this is displayed in a prominent position.
Numbers to 5 The last two options are worksheets to practice writing. Open options 9 and 10.
Write numbers 1 to 5 Worksheets
Main Menu The ‘Numbers to 10’ option introduces more activities. Open the ‘Numbers to 10’ option.
Numbers to 10 Most activities are much the same as the activities for numbers 1 to 5, but working with bigger numbers. Look at some of the new activities:.
Numbers to 10 Count to 10 and fill the zoo with animals. Open the ‘Count to 10 and fill the zoo’ option.
Click the ‘Go’ button to start the activity. Numbers to 10 The activity screen opens.
Click the numbers in numeric order. The numbers rearrange. Numbers to 10
Each correct click adds another animal to the zoo.
Numbers to 10 This option introduces spelling names of numbers.
Spell Number Names On the screen keyboard, the child spells the name of the number and clicks the digit. A number of objects appear in this box on the screen. The question order, consecutive or random, is selected here. Click the ‘Go’ button to start.
Numbers to 10 This option explains what addition is. In this option the child consolidates the concept of adding numbers.
Add Numbers to 10 Click the ‘Go’ button to create the first of ten sums.
Add Numbers to 10 Count the objects and click the answer.
Add Numbers to 10 The second set of objects appears. Count them and click the answer.
Add Numbers to 10 The addition sum appears. Click the answer.
Add Numbers to 10 If correct, a smiley face, then the next of ten questions.
Numbers to 10 The last option provides more adding practise.
Practise Adding Numbers This section has many activities. Open one of the activities
Add 2 to numbers The activity opens. If correct, a smiley face appears. The child clicks the answer. The next of ten questions then comes onto the screen. Click the ‘Go’ button and the first question appears.
Main Menu The ‘Numbers to 15’ option is a repeat of earlier activities, but working with bigger numbers. Open the ‘Numbers to 15’ option.
Numbers to 15 These are repeats of earlier activities, but working with bigger numbers.
Main Menu The ‘Numbers to 20’ option is a repeat of earlier activities, but it also introduces new concepts. Open the ‘Numbers to 20’ option.
Numbers to 20 Two new concepts, odd and even numbers, are introduced. These are mostly repeats of earlier activities, but working with bigger numbers.
Even Numbers The child clicks the even numbers sequentially on a grid. Odd numbers are also selected on a grid.
Numbers to 20 This option shows how to write numbers 16 to 20. The last two options are worksheets to learn and to write numbers.
Numbers to 20 Worksheets
Main Menu Open the ‘Subtracting Numbers’ option. Having learned to add, there is a section on subtraction.
Subtracting Numbers These activities give the child a very good introduction to subtraction. The subtraction menu opens. On-screen subtrac- tion sums. An explanation
Subtract Numbers to 10 Click the ‘Go’ button to create the first of ten sums.
Subtract Numbers to 10 Count the objects and click the answer.
Subtract Numbers to 10 The second set of objects appears. Count them and click the answer.
Subtract Numbers to 10 The subtraction sum appears. Click the answer.
Subtract Numbers to 10 If correct, a smiley face, then the next of ten questions.
Subtracting Numbers The subtraction menu. These two options go to other menus.
Practise Subtracting Numbers The ‘Practise Subtracting Numbers’ section has many activities.
Main Menu Open the ‘Count in Multiples’ option. The next section in number skills is to to count in multiples.
Count in Multiples These activities give the child an introduction to counting in multiples.
Multiples Click the ‘Go’ button to start the activity.
Multiples Click the numbers in the order indicated here. The numbers re-arrange.
Count in Multiples Here they count in 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 10’s on a grid to 100.
Multiples Select the required option.
Multiples The multiples grid to 100. Click the multiples in order and get the man to the top of the stairs.
Main Menu Open option number 7. The last section does counting skills to 100 and explains the place value of digits.
Digits & Place Value These activities introduce digits and place value. The following few slides will give an idea of the approach taken. The child also learns to count to 100.
10 What do the digits in numbers tell us ?
10 What do the digits in numbers tell us ?
102 The parts of
The Main Menu It is often easier to work from an index. Click ‘View the Index’ to open the index.
This shows the top of the index. Scroll down to see the rest of the index. To select the section you want, click the relevant blue button.
Numbers to 10 Using the index makes it much easier to see everything which is available in the program. The selected menu opens.
Progress Sheets It is important to have progress sheets on which to record progress. When you open your flash drive there is a folder ‘Progress Sheets’. Open the ‘Progress Sheets’ folder and select the progress sheet you need.
Progress Sheets Progress sheets
Progress Sheets Progress sheets
Progress Sheets Progress sheets
Progress Sheets Progress sheets
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