IT Project Management MIS 492/592, Fall 2013 CIS 1013
What is this course about? Introduces the fundamentals of project management, beginning with project definition through the post-project review. There will be emphasis placed on applying project management concepts and techniques to IT projects.
Learning Objectives Importance of project planning for information technology projects How to incorporate company strategic needs when selecting IT projects Justifying IT projects on tangible and intangible benefits and building a business case Build ‘change management’ into the life cycle of projects
Learning Objectives Tools and techniques for monitoring quality control of IT projects The importance of defining and anticipating potential risks Communicating progress to all stakeholders Updates on current IT trends and projects
Why a course on IT project mgmt? Ever changing business needs Hardware compatibility Security Holes Network Bandwidths Software glitches Difficulty in getting accurate user requirements Rate of change of requirements Constant training to keep up with techniology Difficulty in visualizing the software for the developer and the customer
Course Outline Chapters 1-3 Introduction to project management Project Management Framework Chapters 4-13 Project Management Knowledge Areas Includes integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communication, risk, procurement, and stakeholder management Healthcare IT Project Management
Syllabus Overview Textbook, materials and handouts Entropy Student deliverables Grading policy Disability Academic honesty Schedule (tentative)
Textbook & materials Textbook Information Technology Project Management 6e, Revised (Schwalbe) Additional Materials (Course Website)Course Website PM Network Articles Harvard Business Review Cases Software Excel and Microsoft Project 2010
Course Information and Deliverables Entropy contains course information Lecture Slides and Additional Readings Grading includes (592 is slightly different): Exams (2) – 40% Exercises (3) – 15% Case Presentation (1) – 10% Project (1) – 30% Participation – 5%
Exercises There are 3 exercises to cover materials that may not be included in the project or that warrant further practice. These include exercises on: Project Selection and ROI Microsoft Project and WBS Project Cost analysis
Harvard Business Cases Each group will be responsible for presenting an HBR case concerning project management concepts with many focusing on IT You are not responsible for purchasing all cases. You will only need to purchase the case you are presenting. More details will be posted shortly.
My Expectations Make a serious effort to succeed in my class. Come to class on time and stay until class is over. Turn off cell-phones while in class Submit exercises and project assignments on time Ask questions, voice concerns, provide feedback via , phone, or during office hours
In return, I pledge to Provide a well-organized course Clearly explain course objectives and concepts Provide materials to help students understand course concepts Answer student questions Be concerned with student learning Provide students with feedback Provide assistance outside of class Provide clear grading policies Uniformly apply course policies
Who I am Dr. Cummings Assistant Professor at UNCW Ph.D. in IS (Indiana University) MBA in IS (Texas Tech University) Industry experience in networking, programming, project management.
What I do Teaching interests: Intro to IS/IT Systems Analysis and Design IT Project Management Networking Research Interests: Social media impact on organizations Technology adoption Healthcare IT
To do next Sign up for Entropy ( Read Chapter 1 and additional readings by next Monday Consider group members – forming teams Monday
Useful information Instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Cummings Office: CIS 2051 Office Hours: T, TH 9:00 – 11:30 T, TH 1:00 – 3:30 by appointment Phone: Entropy: