The Team:Marcin Borucki (ERASMUS, 4 th year MSc) Gillis Carlsson (postdoc) Jacek Dobaczewski (project leader) Jenni Kotila (Jouni Suhonen group) Markus Kortelainen (postdoc) Kazuhito Mizuyama (postdoc) Francesco Raimondi (1 st year PhD) Rayner Rodriguez-Guzman (assistant) Jussi Toivanen (assistant) Pekka Toivanen (1 st year PhD) The FIDIPRO project at JYFL
The FIDIPRO topics Effective-operator methods to perform infinite summations of the harmonic oscillator-matrix elements of the kinetic energy in mean-field models Project leader: JussiStatus: on hold Extension of energy density functionals by a dependence of all coupling constants on the isoscalar and isovector densities Project leader: MarkusStatus: near completion Stability conditions in function of saturation density and momentum in infinite asymmetric nuclear matter Project leader: KazuhitoStatus: advanced, now on hold Spherical HO code for energy density functionals extended to N3LO terms with derivatives of densities up to sixth order Project leader: GillisStatus: in the initial phase
The FIDIPRO topics Nuclear and neutron matter properties for energy density functionals extended to N3LO terms with derivatives of densities up to sixth order Project leader: MarcinStatus: just initialized Adjustments of parameters in energy density functionals extended to N3LO terms with derivatives of densities up to sixth order Project leader: ?Status: planned Solution of the QRPA equations by the mean-filed plus Lanczos methods (I) proof of principle – spherical nuclei, HO basis, multipole modes Project leaders: Rayner&KazuhitoStatus: advanced Solution of the QRPA equations by the mean-filed plus Lanczos methods (II) axial nuclei, HO and/or spline basis, -decay rates Project leader: ?Status: planned
The FIDIPRO topics Polarization effects exerted by odd particles in open-shell semi-magic nuclei along the Z=50 and N=50 lines Project leader: GillisStatus: on hold