Think, Plan, Grow! ™
What is your experience level with the Balanced Scorecard in your firm? – Beginner (We know very little about it) – Intermediate (We have started but have stalled in our use of the BSC) – Advanced (We are using the BSC successfully in our firm
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Intro Changing A Culture Building The Scorecard Keys to Success Action Plan
Think, Plan, Grow! ™
Partner Compensation drove the plan Charge Hours Performance What? Once a Year… at the most
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Staff is changing…. You are changing… Business model is changing…. Process must change….
Think, Plan, Grow! ™
What is it? Why are we interested? How do we use it? Where do we go from here?
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ “Harvard Business Review” 1992 R.S. Kaplan and D.P. Norton Organizational Performance Measurement Successful Strategy Implementation Widespread Acceptance
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ 1.Top Dow Reflection of the Firm 2.Forward-Looking 3.External and Internal Measures 4.Helps you stay focused!
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Myth -or- Possibility
Mission Core Values Vision Strategy Pay For Performance Strategic Initiatives Personal Objectives Outcomes What we do to exist. What we believe in. What we want to be. Our Game Plan Behavior Motivation What we need to do. What I need to do. Satisfied Partners Happy Clients Effective Processes Motivated Employees
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Fact #1: Most organizations do not successfully execute their strategy Fact #2 To successfully execute your strategy, YOU MUST HAVE ONE!
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Do You Have A Written Strategic Plan That Everyone In The Firm Knows About? – Yes – No
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Step 2 - Find a way to: Communicate Strategy Measure Success Motivate and Reward So you can successfully execute your strategy!
Think, Plan, Grow! ™
Most employees don’t understand the business strategy Employees represent the key asset in a knowledge based business Communicating and understanding is a key to success
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Is compensation linked to performance? Is performance measured in the “right” way? Does compensation reinforce achieving strategic objectives?
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ How are budgets related to strategy? Long term vs. Short term Measures and evaluation
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Where is management attention? What is being measured? Financial results, and BEYOND!
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Which Barrier does your firm suffer from? – Vision Barrier – People Barrier – Resource Barrier – Management Barrier – All of the Above – None of the Above
Think, Plan, Grow! ™
The Vision Barrier – Translate Strategic Goals into tasks, performance standards, and desired outcomes. The People Barrier – “Cascade” scoreboard down to individual level. Reward value creation.
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ The Resource Barrier – Budgets keyed to strategic objectives. Priorities toward long term goals. The Management Barrier – Lead towards the strategy. Check the right things. Balance among conflicting priorities.
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Change the Accountability Culture of Your Firm!
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ When determining compensation adjustments in your firm (bonus or yearly) what factor is MOST important? – Financial Measures – Client Service Measures – Training and Learning Measures – Process Measures
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Real Life….
Think, Plan, Grow! ™
Staff Acceptance Trust the Change! Understanding “measureable” was harder than expected. Financial results are a by-product of the other 3 buckets. FEAR
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Staff understand what is expected Staff understand how they can truly contribute to overall firm success Internal process have improved dramatically Overall strategy is being accomplished. Better communication of overall firm expectations.
Think, Plan, Grow! ™
Increased Efficiencies Internal Projections Better Communication Change in Culture Strategic Plan linked to Real Performance
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Avoid the Silo of Financial Management Helps you deal with many of the blind spots that prevent you from growing profitably. Staff “get it”!
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ This is a journey, not a destination! Move to a compensation model that feeds the performance. (Not punishment)
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Laughter! 5 Years 8 Years Lifetime 2 Years
Think, Plan, Grow! ™
Think, Plan, Grow! ™
Do you have a desire to move to the Balanced Scorecard Culture in Your Firm? – Yes, we will move in this direction – Yes, but we still need buy in – No, this is not in alignment with our culture - Other
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ 1.Start with your strategic plan 2.Don’t start without the total commitment of the MP or CEO 3.Commitment is different than support 4.Use a facilitator 5.Start with the partner group 6.Use the positive focus and game plans to reduce time 7.Schedule quarterly meetings in advance 8.Insure performance funds 9.Focus on limited objectives 10.Use graphics for positive visuals around the office
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ Kaplan-Norton Balanced Scorecard Boot Camp
Think, Plan, Grow! ™ This is a good textbook!
Think, Plan, Grow! ™
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Think, Plan, Grow! ™