Greek Drama Background Notes. Out of Ritual Church services or rituals are forms of drama Church services or rituals are forms of drama Greek drama came.


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Presentation transcript:

Greek Drama Background Notes

Out of Ritual Church services or rituals are forms of drama Church services or rituals are forms of drama Greek drama came from religious rituals honoring Dionysos – the god of wine and fertility Greek drama came from religious rituals honoring Dionysos – the god of wine and fertility During the celebrations there was singing of hymns and dancing During the celebrations there was singing of hymns and dancing

During the 6 th century B.C, these celebrations became annual festivals. During the 6 th century B.C, these celebrations became annual festivals. Thespis – a man that changed the hymns into songs and told stories of famous heroes or other gods. Thespis – a man that changed the hymns into songs and told stories of famous heroes or other gods. Thespis also had one chorus member step up and play that part of the hero or god. Thespis also had one chorus member step up and play that part of the hero or god. Dionysia – The festival held at large outdoor amphitheater and they began competing for prizes Dionysia – The festival held at large outdoor amphitheater and they began competing for prizes

This actor would wear a mask and enter into dialogue with the chorus. This actor would wear a mask and enter into dialogue with the chorus. Drama, as we know it, was born when the playwright, Aeschylus, added a second actor to the performance creating the possibility for conflict. Drama, as we know it, was born when the playwright, Aeschylus, added a second actor to the performance creating the possibility for conflict. Thespis is immortalized in the word “thespian,” which refers to an actor or actress. Thespis is immortalized in the word “thespian,” which refers to an actor or actress.

By the end of the 5 th century B.C. the Dionysia had become a 4 day event By the end of the 5 th century B.C. the Dionysia had become a 4 day event As many as 14,000 spectators would gather at the Theater of Dionysos to watch the performances. As many as 14,000 spectators would gather at the Theater of Dionysos to watch the performances. The performances included tragedies, comedies, and satires The performances included tragedies, comedies, and satires

The Theater of Dionysos Looked like a semicircular football stadium Looked like a semicircular football stadium Seats were carved into the hillside Seats were carved into the hillside In front there was a space for the orchestra, chorus, and the alter honoring Dionysos In front there was a space for the orchestra, chorus, and the alter honoring Dionysos

Behind the orchestra was the platform where the performances took place Behind the orchestra was the platform where the performances took place Props, if any, were large and simple. The theaters were so large and so much was going on that they wanted to avoid too many distractions. Props, if any, were large and simple. The theaters were so large and so much was going on that they wanted to avoid too many distractions.

The actors spoke behind huge masks The actors spoke behind huge masks These masks served 2 purposes: These masks served 2 purposes: To amplify the voices To amplify the voices So the actors could play more than one part So the actors could play more than one part In ancient Greece, religion and dramatic “entertainment” were one and the same thing In ancient Greece, religion and dramatic “entertainment” were one and the same thing

Song and Dance Song and dance by the choruses and the accompanying music of the piper were vital to the overall impact of each show. Song and dance by the choruses and the accompanying music of the piper were vital to the overall impact of each show. Movements had to be dramatic because the theaters were so large and open that people would not be able to see tiny movements. Movements had to be dramatic because the theaters were so large and open that people would not be able to see tiny movements. Off-stage noises were important to setting the tone of the scene. Off-stage noises were important to setting the tone of the scene.

Myth – an old story, coming from a particular society, that explains a belief, a ritual, or some mysterious aspect of nature Myth – an old story, coming from a particular society, that explains a belief, a ritual, or some mysterious aspect of nature Myths may also try to explain human suffering in terms of the workings of the gods – of fates that cannot be avoided, of curses that haunt generation after generation Myths may also try to explain human suffering in terms of the workings of the gods – of fates that cannot be avoided, of curses that haunt generation after generation Myths

Medea Medea was the granddaughter of the Sun and daughter of Aeetes – King of Colchis. Medea was the granddaughter of the Sun and daughter of Aeetes – King of Colchis. Because she was part immortal, Medea had special magical powers. She considered herself a sorceress. Because she was part immortal, Medea had special magical powers. She considered herself a sorceress. In Aeetes’ kingdom there was the Golden Fleece – a treasure that was guarded by a dragon. In Aeetes’ kingdom there was the Golden Fleece – a treasure that was guarded by a dragon.

Jason Jason was the rightful king of the Greek state Iolcus (modern Volos). Jason was the rightful king of the Greek state Iolcus (modern Volos). While he was too young to rule, his uncle Pelias reigned in his place. While he was too young to rule, his uncle Pelias reigned in his place. When Jason was old enough to rule, Pelias refused to give up the throne. When Jason was old enough to rule, Pelias refused to give up the throne. Pelias sent Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece in exchange for the throne. Pelias sent Jason to retrieve the Golden Fleece in exchange for the throne.

Jason and the Argonauts Jason and fifty other men set out on the Argos, the first long ship, in search of the Golden Fleece. Jason and fifty other men set out on the Argos, the first long ship, in search of the Golden Fleece. After many perilous adventures, they reached Colchis – the home of the Golden Fleece and Medea. After many perilous adventures, they reached Colchis – the home of the Golden Fleece and Medea.

Aeetes told Jason that he could have the Golden Fleece if he could perform a series of difficult tasks. Aeetes told Jason that he could have the Golden Fleece if he could perform a series of difficult tasks. Aeetes believed that these tasks were too difficult. Aeetes believed that these tasks were too difficult. But, he did not know that Jason had a divine protector, the goddess Queen Hera. But, he did not know that Jason had a divine protector, the goddess Queen Hera.

Hera persuaded Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to make Medea fall in love with Jason. Hera persuaded Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to make Medea fall in love with Jason. With the help of Medea’s magic powers, Jason was able to accomplish all the tasks. With the help of Medea’s magic powers, Jason was able to accomplish all the tasks. Because Medea betrayed her father, she was forced to flee Colchis with Jason and return to his homeland of Greece. Because Medea betrayed her father, she was forced to flee Colchis with Jason and return to his homeland of Greece.

Medea’s brother Apsyrtus was murdered. Medea’s brother Apsyrtus was murdered. There are different versions as to how. There are different versions as to how. In one version he his murdered while traveling with Medea and Jason back to Greece. In one version he his murdered while traveling with Medea and Jason back to Greece. In other versions it is said by Jason that Medea killed her brother back at home. In other versions it is said by Jason that Medea killed her brother back at home.

After many more adventures the Argos returned to Iolcus where Pelias was still king. After many more adventures the Argos returned to Iolcus where Pelias was still king. Medea again used her magical skills to show Pelias’ daughters how to make their father young again. Medea again used her magical skills to show Pelias’ daughters how to make their father young again. Medea cut a ram into pieces and boiled the pieces with magic herbs – the ram emerged as a newborn lamb. Medea cut a ram into pieces and boiled the pieces with magic herbs – the ram emerged as a newborn lamb.

When the daughters cut up and boiled Pelias, Medea withheld the crucial herbs. When the daughters cut up and boiled Pelias, Medea withheld the crucial herbs. Medea and Jason were forced to flee again and arrived in Corinth. Medea and Jason were forced to flee again and arrived in Corinth. Several years later is where our play, Medea, begins. Several years later is where our play, Medea, begins.