Magic Shoes By: Grady Lemuel 7.1
One day on East Java in a small beautiful village there lived a very poor boy named John. John was a very nice boy. He continued his life by selling newspapers. One day when John was eating his lunch he met a very poor man. That poor man was asking for food. Then John gave his lunch to that poor man. He was very thankful to John. Then the old man said “thank you John, now I want you to have this”. He gave John his shoes. Then John said “thank you for this shoes”. Then John went home. hp&biw=1440&bih=780&q=magic+shoes&gbv=2& aq=f&aqi=g1g-m1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
The next day when John was going to sell his newspapers he was using the shoes that the old man given to him. Then he felt confused that when he was wearing the shoes he felt faster and stronger and John was very thankful to that old man who gave him the magic shoes. John told everyone in the village about his magic shoes. Then a rich magician came and said “John I want to buy your shoes”. That magician wanted to buy John’s shoes for rupiah but John answered “no I don’t want to sell my shoes”. The magician felt angry because that magician wanted his shoes so much. The magician decided he would steal John’s shoes. =1440&bih=780&gbv=2&tbs=isch:1&sa=1 &q=cartoon+magician&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql= &oq=&gs_rfai=
That night the magician went to John’s house and stole John’s magic shoes. After he stole John’s shoes the magician went home. After the magician arrived at home he was so happy because he got the magic shoes. Then he went right to sleep. l=en&biw=1440&bih=802&gbv= 2&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=thief +cartoon&aq=f&aqi=g1&aql=&o q=&gs_rfai=
The next morning when John went to sell his newspaper he looked for his shoes but couldn’t find them. Later he went to a theater. He saw that the magician was using his magic shoes. After the show had finished John asked the magician, “why did you steal my shoes?”. The magician said “I didn’t steal your shoes”. Then John went home. n&biw=1440&bih=802&gbv=2&tbs =isch%3A1&sa=1&q=cartoon+boy+b ring+news+paper&aq=f&aqi=&aql= &oq=&gs_rfai=
After John got home he prayed to God for his blessing and that he would get his shoes back. Every day for weeks he prayed that God would answer his prayer and gave John his magic shoes back. God said “John, use this magic power to get your shoes back”. John said “thank you God”. Then John went to sell his newspaper again in the village. =1440&bih=780&gbv=2&tbs=isch%3A1&s a=1&q=cartoon+while+pray+to+God&aq=f &aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai
The next morning John woke up, took a bath, had breakfast and went to sell his news paper. After he sold his newspaper he went looking for the magician. After looking all over the city he finally found the magician. John said “give me back my shoes”. The magician said “never”. John replied “if you don’t give them back I will turn you into a frog”. The magician still didn’t give the shoes back to John. Then John turned the magician into a frog and got his shoes back. John decided to turn the magician back into a human. He told him “Don’t steal other people’s things”. Then John went home. um=1&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1440 &bih=802&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1 &q=cartoon+frog&aq=f&aqi=g10 &aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= s?hl=en&biw=1440&bih=780& gbv=2&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1& q=magic+boy+cartoon&aq=f&a qi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
John became a powerful and rich magician, traveling the world to perform his magic skill. The End The moral of the story is you should never steal other people’s things. ?hl=en&biw=1440&bih=780&g bv=2&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q= magic+boy+cartoon&aq=f&aqi= &aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=