What’s your Mind-Body Problem Anyway? Avshalom C. Elitzur Outline 1.The Heart of the Mystery: Qualia 2.Consequent Problems: “Other Minds” and the “I” 3.Extreme Measure: Direct Mind-Matter Interaction 4.Extreme Measure: Quantum Mechanics Reconsidered 5.Time: A Related Mystery? 6.Summary © Everyone 2009 Permission is granted to everyone to copy and/or use this work or any part of it.
“In science, the qualitative is only a poor form of the quantitative” (Rutherford) Red is different from blue Sweet is different from salty Love is different from hate qualitatively quantitatively qualitatively quantitatively Same waves, different wavelength Same electrons, different numbers Same neurons, different configurations
Leibniz ( ) No essential difference between a windmill and a brain: Seeing all its inner mechanisms says nothing about the associated subjective experience! The Heart of the Mystery: Qualia
Despite years of research, the process of seeing a certain color remains unrelated to the subjective experience of seeing that color
The Heart of the Mystery: Qualia 1. The Problem of Inverted Qualia
The Heart of the Mystery: Qualia 1. The Problem of Inverted Qualia
The Heart of the Mystery: Qualia 2. The Problem of Absent Qualia BLUE RED
Consciousness = the totality of qualia Chalmers: the Hard vs. the Easy Problem
The Mind-Body Problem Qualia Other Minds Who am I?
‘isms Monism: “Everything is basically one” Dualism: “There are two kinds of entities, matter and mind” Idealism: Only mind is real, matter is secondary Physicalism (Materialism): Only matter is real, mind is secondary Interactionist Dualism: “Mind interacts with matter” Non-Interactionist Dualism: “Mind does not interact with matter” Epiphenomenalism: “Matter affects mind, never vice versa” Parallelism: “Matter and mind run parallel without ever affecting one another” Identity Theory: “Matter, somehow, is mind.” Pan-Psychism: “Mind potentially exists within matter.”
The Argument for Inessentialism: The Closure of the Physical World Balls “repel” one another Plant cell “drinks” water Muscle “responds” to stimulus Romeo adores Juliet (no quotes?!) IF the laws of mechanics completely explain the motions of billiard balls, plants’ water absorption, and reflex movements (no subjective experience needed), THEN the same holds for Romeo and Juliet’s behavior!
The Conceptual Price of granting efficacy to Consciousness Conservation of energy and/or momentum violated Second Law violated Worse: no Real Solution is Offered! (inverted qualia?) (other minds?) (who am I?)
"phototropic animals" Machina speculatrix Machina docilis When does Consciousness Emerge? William Grey Walter ( ), inventor of the “electronic turtle” At what stage of the turtle’s complexity would you file a lawsuit against Gray-Walter on animal abuse?
Where, along the Evolutionary Ladder, does Consciousness Emerge? “Hydrophobic” molecule “Photophobic” bacterium Cockroach under threat Frightened human
What do we need to know in order to prove a “resolution” wrong? Alpha-mindo-encephaline Loveliness Qualia
Can Dualism be Avoided? René Descartes ( ) The penalty: Energy & momentum conservation laws violated! "Non, je ne regrette rien"
The Penrose-Hameroff Hypothesis: The brain performs quantum computation within the neuron’s microtubules Sir Roger Penrose Stuart Hameroff
Time: The Common View Events Become and Go, One by One
Time: The Relativistic View All Events Coexist along Time
Time’s Passage and Conscious Experience: Two Riddles – or One? subjective experience * time’s passage * Governor Bush & Dad giving a good cry duet
Indeed, Elitzur (1989) argues directly from the existence of claims about consciousness to the conclusion that the laws of physics cannot be complete, and that consciousness plays an active role in directing physical processes (he suggests that the second law of thermodynamics might be false). But I have already argued that interactionist dualism is of little help in avoiding the problem of explanatory irrelevance (p. 183).
1.A presumably conscious human (henceforth Chalmers) states there is a difference between his percept (P) and its corresponding quale (Q). 2.Chalmers further argues that a zombie duplicate of him (henceforth Charmless) is possible, which is similar to him in all aspects, save that he has only P without Q. 3.Chalmers asserts, however, that, by physical law, Charmless must notice a difference between what he knows about the physical process underlying his percept and the unmediated percept itself, which, within Charmless, presumably plays the role of Q. 4.Chalmers then argues that this difference must produce in Charmless the same behavioral consequences as the difference between P and Q. 5.Ask now Chalmers: Can you conceive of a Charmless who will be identical to you but lack Q? His answer, by (2), is “Yes.” 6.Next ask Charmless: Can you conceive of a duplicate of you (henceforth Harmless) who will be identical to you but will lack Q? His answer, by (3), must be “No; unmediated percepts, regardless of what is known about them, must occur.” 7.As Chalmers can conceive of Charmless but Charmless cannot conceive of Harmless, [1] the two kinds of bafflement, associated with (1) and (3), are essentially different. Which is why we don’t need to worry about Armless and so on. 8.Hence, the physical explanation for (3) does not hold for (1). [1] which is why we don’t have to worry about Armless and so on. The Asymmetry Proof: Chalmers’ Epiphenomenalism leads to Contradiction ( Elitzur )