Two major ways gangs are hurting America. Their corrupting our youth and promoting violence.
Gangs 24,500 gangs in the U.S
Gangs 750,000 gang members in 2000 and 2007
Gangs One Million gang members in 2009
Gangs 90,000 boys are in some kind of detention facility, work camp, residential placement or correctional facility. 9 out of 10 boys in detention have some level of gang affiliation
Gangs 86% of those cities with at least 100,000 people report gang activity.
Gangs There are approximately 360,000 teenage boys and 32,000 teenage girls in gangs
Gangs There are somewhere around 560,000 adult males and 48,000 adult females in gangs
Gangs 15% of juveniles in prison are female and 85% are male
WHAT ARE THE FACTORS THAT LEAD TO GANG INVOLVEMENT School Failure and Truancy No involvement in positive activities outside of school Friends and peers who are delinquent Early involvement in petty theft and behavioral disorders in grade school Low Income
Gangs There are around 32,000 teenage female gang members
Gangs 70% of teenagers in jail report having been sexually abused or victimized as children.
School failure and learning disabilities: One out of three girls in gangs have been in special education Lack of involvement in positive activities in or out of school Sexual abuse and victimization Family dysfunction Low Income Early drug use and sexual activity Emotional disorders Exposure to violence Some Risk For Teenage Girls In Gangs
Gangs Black/African-American Gang members: Are made up of 31% or about 310,000
Gangs Hispanic Gang members: 47% or about 470,000
Gangs Gangs are the cause of 80% of violence and crime.
Gangs The reason most teen gang members commit violence is because they most likely see it at home, in the movies, in video games, or on the street, and by there older gang members.
Gangs Teens get told by there older friends that if they join a gang there have a family to protect them. That’s how most teenagers join a gang.
Gangs One-fourth of gang members are aged 15-17
Gangs A gang member is 60 times more likely to experience death by homicide than the general population
Warning signs Sudden changes in clothing worn by your teen, especially if it involves wearing the same color schemes all the time. Changes in who your teen's friends are. Loss of interest in family activities Having money, with no job Having trouble with the police and other authority figures
Sources Burke, Jim. "Teenager,clothes,and gang violence." n. page. Print. Minugh, Kim. "Man stabbed in gang-related fight at Downtown Plaza." n. page. Print.. Sanders, Bill. "Putting in Work: Qualitative Research on Substance." n. page. Web. 20 Apr Valdez, avelardo. "The Drugs-Violence Nexus Among." 14. Web. 20 Apr Grekul, Jana. "‘I thought people would be mean and shout.’ Introducing the Hobbema." 14.1 (2011): 18. Print. PARKER, Robert. "Availability, gang violence,." 24. Print.