IDENTITY Dr. Dennis Morgan
goal: think about your identity
who am I?
identity can be many things
what verification?
who can verify our identity?
man is imperfect
human view of identity
only physical
one substance to identity
only physical
only brain and body
human self-examination
human perspective
get outside our experience
What’s it like to be a bat?
by sonar not by sight
we can’t relate to this
outside our experience
using ourselves to understand ourselves is inadequate
outside perspective needed
ultimate identity verification
physical plus non-physical
“Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” Luke 23:43
“My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.” Phil. 1:23 “Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So whether we are at home with the Lord or away, we make it our aim to please him.” 2 Corinthians 5:8-9
soul: the person in a body
what identity do you prefer?
only physical or something more?
in, but more than, a body
holistic dualism
a person in a whole person
not just a physical mechanism
physical, yet someone more
an identity with greater value
see beyond the faces
love for the real person
“you are of more value than many sparrows?” Matthew 10:31
more than your problems
your person can change your personal problems
Holy Spirit strengthening the person
“that he [God the Father] may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being.” Ephesians 3:16
who am I?
more than what I do
identity in who I am
answer to the question
who am I?
you are more than physical
identity: person in a body
more about who you are
after this life
recognize this song by Queen
Queen asked this question
who wants to live forever?
Freddie Mercury - Queen
sadly, Freddie died from Aids
who wants to live forever?
pointless question….because
our person will never die
to die is not our choice
who am I?
identity: person who will never die
ask the right question
we will live forever…somewhere
the question is, where?
“where forever?” is a question of belonging
belonging, not just to a place
but to whom do I belong?
who do I, as a person…
belong to forever?
either to a loving LORD, or…
in the words of Bob Dylan…
to serve = belong to
who am I?
identity: person who belongs to someone
to someone outside this world…forever
identity can be many things…
but true identity is:
I am person in a body
I am a person who will never die
I am a person who belongs to someone
to someone outside this world
my true identity is: I am person in a body I am a person who will never die I am a person who belongs to someone outside this world forever
Jesus said, “come, follow me”
“belong to me”…