Bristol Record Office 6 th June 2014 Funding the Archives Sector One-day workshop
Registration Welcome and outline of the day Context setting: Funding the sector Matt Greenhall Arts Council EnglandSimon Jutton Bristol Museums, Galleries & Archives Development TrustValerie Hardland Networking Lunch Lunch will not be provided but is available from the Create Centre (contained within the same building as the Bristol Record Office) and nearby cafes. Attendees are also welcome to bring their own lunch Heritage Lottery FundKelly Spry-Phare Heart of the South West, LEPJamshid Ahmadi Comfort Break Dorset Archives TrustSam Johnston and Carola Campbell Library of Birmingham Development TrustBrian Gambles The National Archives and 'Giving Value‘Matt Greenhall and Rachel Davies 16.00Close Funding the Archive Sector
Matt Greenhall Funding the UK Archives Sector Context setting
‘Funding the Archives Sector’ research project Co-investigators - The National Archives (Louise Ray) and University College London Research questions – o how are archives in the UK funded? o what funding resources are under developed within the sector? o what appropriate advice and training support can be delivered by The National Archives to improve access to additional funding resources? Research method – o snapshot survey of collecting institutions in England & Wales o focus group
Who pays for our services?
Strengths Parent organisation support Tradition of sharing knowledge and collaboration Track record with Heritage Lottery Fund Confidence/experience of writing bids to trusts and foundations
Weaknesses Lack of confidence in financial planning Resource allocation for fundraising Risk taking and innovation Governance models for archive services Lack of relationships with major donors Lack of relationships with businesses
TNA AND ARCHIVE SECTOR FUNDING 1 Leadership o Support sustainable funding for services o Support the piloting of new approaches to funding and fundraising 2 Collaboration o Between funders and stakeholders o Between archive services to capitalise on funding initiatives 3Good Practice o Provide mechanisms and opportunities for archive services to learn from each other o Ensure archive services have access to up-to-date and appropriate information on funding and fundraising 4 Advice o Ensure archive services have access to individual support where needed o Ensure archive services have access to appropriate training o Provide advice to funders relating to archival standards and applications 8
Aspirational model for national income breakdown 2016
Funding and ‘Giving Value’ The National Archives
11 Resources online
Matt Greenhall Head of Programmes Archive Sector Development The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU +44 (0) ext