November 21, 2013
Ramona Coats: Introduction Bo Merritt: GMS updates Daniel Fryar Allocation updates Kay Townsend: Fiscal report Melissa McGavock: Title I C updates Title III A updates Corina Ene Schoolwide updates Iva Owens School Improvement updates
By Bo Merritt (405)
By Daniel Fryar (405)
By Kay Townsend (405)
LEAs and SEAs must obligate funds during the 27 months beginning on July 1 of the fiscal year for which the funds were appropriated through September 30 of the second following fiscal year. This maximum period includes a 15 month period of initial availability plus a 12-month period for carryover. This extra 12 months is called the Tydings period.
Section 421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA), states an LEA that does not obligate all of the Title I, Part A funds allocated to it for a given fiscal year may carryover the unobligated funds and obligate them during the following fiscal year. Although the Tydings amendment extends the period for obligating funds for an additional 12 months, Section 1127(a) of the ESEA limits the amount an LEA can carryover from one fiscal year to the next.
LEAs that receive $50,000 (including CY funds transferred into Title I) or more in Title I, Part A funds cannot carry over beyond the initial 15 months of availability more than 15 percent of its Title I, Part A funds. LEAs that carry over more than 15 percent of their Title I funds must complete a 9/30 report to provide evidence that funds were obligated and to request a waiver. An SEA may grant a waiver of the 15 percent limitation once every three years if the LEA’s request is reasonable and necessary.
At the building level Comparability requires that LEAs be able to document that services provided with state and local funds in Title I schools are comparable to those provided in non-Title schools The underlining principal of Comparability is to apply fairness to Title I schools when distributing resources.
Comparing the total average non-Title I pupil/teacher ratio to each Title I site or If all sites are Title I, then the average pupil/teacher ratio is compared to each site.
An LEA must develop procedures for complying with the Comparability requirements. [Section 1120A(c)(3)] These procedures should be in writing and should, at a minimum, include the LEA’s timeline for demonstrating comparability, identification of the office responsible for making comparability calculations, the measure and process used to determine whether schools are comparable, and how and when the LEA makes adjustments in schools that are not comparable.
By Melissa McGavock (405)
Migrant Credit Accrual forms for the fall semester will be ed to you the first week in December Complete and return the Migrant Credit Accrual forms no later than February 17, The Al Wright Migrant Scholarship application and materials are available for download from Applications are due at NASDME’s Washington, D.C.’s address by Tuesday, February 25,
Conference registration is open for the National Association of State Directors of Migrant Education (NASDME) 46th Annual National Migrant Education Conference April 6 to 9, Go to to register. Supplemental reading lessons are available through To register for an account, click on “Teacher Access,” and complete all fields. To request access to online tutorials, contact Melissa McGavock at (405) or
Check your district’s Title III – LEP/Immigrant Survey status. The LEP and immigrant counts have been imported from the WAVE October 1 Consolidated Report. The district will need to supply each language spoken at each site and the number of speakers of each language. Each site in the district must be certified by the Superintendent. The Welcome Page must be certified by the Superintendent.
The Title III, Part A: Language Instruction for LEP and Immigrant Students Annual Performance Report is due on November 30, Report the number of professional development/activities conducted by your district that specifically address the teaching of LEP students or are related to the learning of LEP students. Provide the number of participants who attended these professional development/activities. Report the number of all certified/licensed teachers currently working in language instruction educational programs in your district and the number your district will need over the next five years. Report the number of first-year and second-year proficient English language learners.
By Corina Ene (405)
A school is eligible to operate a Schoolwide School program if it meets the poverty level of 40% or above. August 31, 2013 was the deadline for submitting the Letter of Intent to Participate in the Schoolwide School Program for , with implementation in When completed, the plan will be submitted in the WISE online planning tool.
A series if Schoolwide School Videoconferences was scheduled from September 2013-April 2014: Thursday, September 26, 2013 Tuesday, October 29, 2013 Tuesday, November 19, 2013 Tuesday, January 21, 2014 Thursday, February 20, 2014 Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Under the ESEA Flexibility waiver, any Title I Priority Schools, Focus Schools, or Title I eligible High School Priority Schools may begin operating Schoolwide Programs in a school that: does not meet the 40% poverty threshold, and implements interventions consistent with the Turnaround Principles or Interventions.
Eligible LEAs will submit a Letter of Intent to Participate in the Schoolwide School Program for to the Office of Federal Programs (Titles I, II, III, VI, and X) and the Office of School Support/School Improvement. LEAs will ensure Title I funds are aligned with interventions as specified in the ESEA Flexibility Waiver. LEAs will submit a written WISE plan to the Office of School Support/School Improvement for review and approval. The LEA will receive an approval letter from the Office of Federal Programs to start operating as a Schoolwide School for the current school year.
By Iva Owens (405)
SIG is a competitive grant meaning an application must be submitted and approved prior to funding being awarded. The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) will apply to the United States Department of Education (USDE) in November 2013 for a fourth cohort of SIG funding. Only LEAs that are eligible based on the Priority Schools list may apply for funds.
Restart Model – LEA closes a school and reopens it with a different operating structure (e.g., charter). Closure Model – LEA closes the school and enrolls the student in other higher achieving schools within the LEA. Transformation Model – LEA and school use funds to implement a required list of initiatives. Turnaround Model – LEA and school use the SIG funds to implement a required list of initiatives.
Turnaround Office(r) - Individual(s) responsible for the day-to-day management of the reform efforts at the site level.Serves as OSDE liaison. Collaboration Time - Ninety (90) minutes of collaboration time scheduled and protected each week. Professional Development - LEAs must provide at least five (5) days of site-based training on initiatives to support the goals of the application for each teacher. Additionally, the LEA must provide a five (5) day teacher academy or institute to provide training in school improvement initiatives and information about the requirements of the 1003(g) grant.
Cohort I - 10 Schools Awarded 2 Elementary Schools 3 Middle Schools 5 High Schools 9 Schools – Transformation Model 1 School – Turnaround Model Cohort II - 3 Schools Awarded 1 Charter School (K-12) 1 Middle School 1 High School All schools – Transformation Model Cohort III - 3 Schools Awarded 2 Elementary Schools 1 Middle School All Schools – Transformation Model
Richard Caram, Assistant State Superintendent (405) , Ramona Coats, Assistant State Superintendent (405) , Dr. Gloria Bayouth, Executive Director of Titles I,II,III,VI&X (405) ,