OIA Live and Learn Office of Informatics and Analytics (OIA), Training Strategy February 14, 2013 Rosie Hinojosa Program Specialist Office of Informatics & Analytics Office: BB:
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics What is a Wiki Wiki is a “ Hawaiian term meaning “fast” or “quick ”
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics What is a Wiki Allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser and is the simplest online database that works. Collaborative content development The CPRS Wiki is a dynamic online encyclopedia that facilitates:
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics What is a Wiki The wiki is composed of a core group of volunteers Is used as a forum for co-authoring and sharing of information and Contributions are made only by VA subject matter experts
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics What is a Wiki Intended to serve as a community developed knowledge repository for the VHA Was created to be open and available to all interested VHA staff from all VA facilities and
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics What is a Wiki The wiki is about providers helping other providers/clinicians and CIS support staff helping each other and working as a team. Wiki is more about TEAM work
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics 10 Top Reasons why Wiki’s Benefit Users 10. Wiki can be accessed and shared by a large number of people 9. Wiki is user organized 8. Wiki information can be easily updated as new information becomes available 7. Wiki is easy to use 6. Wiki information can be linked from one idea to another 5. Wiki can be used as a reference tool 4.Wiki supplements and enhances other training materials 3.Wiki history of authors is easily accessible 2.Wiki is a one stop shop 1. Wiki is leaving institutional knowledge behind
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Comparison of and Wiki Collaboration versus Wiki Collaboration
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Wiki Portals CPRS Tips and Tricks Clinical Applications Coordinator Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Post Deployment Integrated Care VetLink – Kiosk Clinical Requirements
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Usage Chart
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Go to Live Meeting screen Give them an overview of the wiki
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Wiki Training Orientation calls are offered the first Thursday of every month, from 12- 1pm EST and repeated again from 3pm-4pm EST. The CPRS Tips and Tricks Wiki portal hold calls for 50 minutes on the 2nd Friday of each month at 12pm EST Training calls can be scheduled for groups or individually on an as needed basis.
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Upcoming or Future VA Wiki Portals Interested clients FY 13 – Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers – CDI Training – Risk Management – System Redesign Improvement – Blinded Rehabilitation – VistA Under Development FY 13: – VBA –prototype in development for Quality Review Teams – Pharmacy – prototype in development
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Future of Wiki Portals The CAC and CPRS portals will be available on Mobile apps very soon!
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Importance of Shared Knowledge By contributing to the Wiki you are leaving a footprint when you leave the VA
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Contact Us Our contact information in case you have any questions/suggestions url addresses:
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Questions