Collaboration, Productivity, Delivery Method, & Industry Certification TDA 3 rd hour Ashlee Hill Sydney Risinger Emily Trosper Makenzie Lutz Jerrica Stokes
Productivity Tools Edit documents Images Spreadsheets Audio & Video
Productivity Examples Microsoft Office Edit documents Make presentations Create spreadsheets
Productivity Examples Cont. Google Drive Simple documents Includes spreadsheets Slightly more limited than Office
Collaboration Tools Work with others Connect with others Work on projects together
Collaboration Examples AffinityLive Share documents Work together on PowerPoint Works with Google Apps
Collaboration Examples Cont. DeskAway Monitor group activity Check everyone’s projects Assign tasks Send documents
Industry Certification Programs such as: Microsoft PowerPoint Adobe Photoshop Excel, Word, Access, etc
Industry Certifications Ex. PowerPoint Make slideshows Use charts, tables, etc Photoshop Transform pictures & use filters
Delivery Method How you give presentations Webinar Given online Can be taped then posted Reinforce Method Talk before going to slide
Sources Google.Web.15 September 2014 Office.Microsoft.Web.16 September 2014 Vangie Beal.Cio.6 November 2013.Web.16 September 2014 Adobe.Web.16 September 2014 Olivia Mitchell.speakingaboutpresenting.1 May 2009.Web. 17 September 2014