#10. What should I bring? MAYWOOD PE UNIFORM – yours, siblings, not altered! PE SHOES THAT ARE TIED CORRECTLY! Inhaler Deodorant Extra socks, shoes, sweatshirt, sweats JOURNAL ON FRIDAYS!!!!! (more info to come)
#9. What is the PE routine? Suit Up : LOCK UP YOUR VALUABLES!!! Squad Spots for attendance Warm Up groups for stretching Strength Training Running Class Directions Activity : Skills, practice, games Back to locker room to change into school clothes LOCK UP YOUR UNIFORM BEFORE YOU LEAVE!
#8. What units do we do in PE? Tri 1 – Lawn Games / Volleyball / Tennis / Soccer & Football if weather stays nice! Tri 2 – DANCE! / Team Handball / Basketball / Pickleball Tri 3 – Ultimate Frisbee / Frisbee Golf / Lacrosse / Badminton / Soccer or Football if needed
#7. What is fitness day? Usually Wednesdays Designed to elevate your heart rate for 15 + CONTINUOUS minutes (HIIT) Things we do: Run / Waddle / Jog / Sprint Jump Rope / Strength Training Exercises / Circuits
#6. How do I get graded? 5 points per day / 10 points for fitness days Approx. 30 points per week X 12ish weeks = around 360 points per trimester… Grades are earned based on : – Be Safe – Be Kind – Be Your Best
#5. What do I do if I miss a day? You will earn a ZERO in the gradebook You CAN make up those points by completing a make up sheet Pick one up in the locker room OR print them from your teacher’s webpage Turn a COMPLETED form in within 2 WEEKS of your absence!
#4. What if I don’t feel good OR have an injury? BRING A NOTE FROM HOME!!!! Can you just suit up and try your best? Do you need to go to SLC to do an alternate assignment? Can you do alternate exercise (walk, bike, elliptical)?
#3, #2, #1. BE SAFE / BE KIND / BE YOUR BEST BE SAFE – SHOES TIED CORRECTLY! – No gum – Hands & Feet to yourself – Stay in control – Use equipment correctly – Deodorant ONLY in locker room – Etc.
#3, #2, #1. BE SAFE / BE KIND / BE YOUR BEST BE KIND – Include others – No put downs – Practice good sportsmanship – Respect others : students, staff, equipment, etc. – Be a good classmate
#3, #2, #1. BE SAFE / BE KIND / BE YOUR BEST BE YOUR BEST – Work hard every day – Challenge yourself in each task during class – Continue to push to improve your max out