Welcome to Northwood Health and Fitness
Our Philosophy We believe: -health and fitness is a crucial part of the learning process -a positive learning experience in health and fitness will be a contributing factor in all aspects of life We know: - there is a direct link between the level of physical activity and academic learning
Curriculum 7th Grade – Concentrating on individual skill development, cooperative activities and fitness. 8th Grade – Emphasis is applying team strategies to a variety of sports and fitness. Some of our units include: –Traditional – flag football, basketball, softball, soccer, volleyball, etc –Nontraditional – Frisbee, archery, lacrosse, dance/aerobics etc. –Most units are 2 weeks in length. –Fitness day – focus on strengthening your cardiovascular endurance.
Attire –Appropriate clothes are essential for physical activities shorts or sweatpants, t-shirt and/or sweatshirt –no zippers or buttons –no tank tops gym shoes and socks –shoes should provide proper support for running and they should be lace up not slip on –A non suit for a day will constitute a loss of ½ your daily points
Grading You will receive a grade for each portion of the class: - physical activity -fitness -health/academic 10 points are available each day effort, attitude, sportsmanship, attention and preparedness for class not skill level Percentage breakdown: 50% - Performance: This entails all the active/sport time. This 50% is based on your participation in the activity, not skill level. 25% - Health: You will spend 8 weeks in the health room broken up into 2 week rotations throughout the year. 25% -Fitness Day – One day each week we will do a cardio-respiratory activity. Our goal is to have all students running 20 continuous minutes by semester.
Make up sheet
Locker Room You will be issued a lock and assigned a locker. –Keep clothes and belongings locked at all times! don’t share your combination with anyone. If you remember to lock up your lock, your property will be safe keep your clothes in your own locker. The teacher will not open another person’s locker for you. No sprays of any kind are allowed in the locker room. Behaviors such as running and hitting do not belong in the locker room and will not be tolerated. Showers and towels Showers are recommended for all students, for health and hygiene reasons. If you choose to shower, you may bring a towel from home.
Absences This class is performance based and when you are absent you need to check with their teacher about a makeup activity. If you cannot participate fully in class for medical reasons, you need to bring a note to excuse you from some or all participation. –Your note must: Be written, dated and signed by your parent or guardian. Be turned in to your teacher at the very beginning of the period. They will give you an assignment or give you a specific duty for the day to earn your 10 points. Be from a doctor if the illness or injury is for more than 3 days. * –Doctors Notes: We ask for a doctor’s note stating what activities you CANNOT do, and for how long, as well as a recommended list of activities you CAN perform. Participation, if at all possible, is highly encouraged. Remember that if you don’t participate and don’t have a note, you cannot earn daily points and you can’t make up these lost points. In the event that a student misses PE for any reason, it is expected that he/she get a Make-Up form by the end of the day of their return. They then have five school days from the absence to make up the activity time that was lost in order to earn the points that were missed. Students will complete one of the three sections of the form and have their parent sign off that they witnessed their child completing the activity indicated. Make-Up forms can be found on-line at teacher’s websites as well as in the girls’ and boys’ locker room.