Universal Access/SDAIE Session 3: Lesson Planning Protocol - Language Objectives Title III Access to Core Professional Development Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and School Support Language Acquisition Branch
Long Range Goals Achieve consistency and continuity in our understanding of SDAIE and how we communicate it to all stakeholders. Use SDAIE to provide access to core curriculum for English learners. Build a Culturally Relevant and Responsive (CRRE) learning environment incorporating the different ways our students learn, behave, and use communicative language patterns.
Objectives 1.Review English learner characteristics by proficiency level. 2.Understand the role of language objectives in a SDAIE lesson. 3.Analyze a Math Concept Lesson to identify the four critical elements of SDAIE.
Four SDAIE Elements We learned about these elements in the first session. We reviewed them and applied them to a lesson in the second session.
Mix and Mingle Activity Think about the features of the SDAIE element on your card Find someone with a different SDAIE element Each person should: - Define the element - Share a practical application Find a pair with the other two elements of the CCCI Each pair should: - Define the element - Share a practical application - Decide on one practical application to share with the whole group Whole group share
English Learner Characteristics
Can-Can’t-Need Handout #1 Read on your own Determine, for the intermediate and advanced proficiency levels, what the students CAN do, CAN’T do, and what the teacher will need to do to support the students.
Beginning Can Can’t Need Intermediate Can Can’t Need Advanced Can Can’t Need
Need - Build background knowledge - Repetition - Vocabulary development - Scaffolds for complex language structures Need - Look for ways to contextualize the text (idioms, complex structures, abstract concepts) - Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) i.e., inference, drawing conclusions, etc… Need - Primary language Support (L1) - Frontloading vocabulary and concepts
Language Objectives
Handout #2: K-12 Universal Access /SDAIE Lesson Design Template
Handout #3: Language Assembly Task
Use Handout #3 Choose one pair of shoes Use complete sentences for your responses
Language Assembly Task Debrief Group Share
Language Assembly Task Debrief 1. What did you draw upon for your responses? 2. What question was the easiest? Why? 3. What question was the most challenging? Why?
Handout #4: The More Common Functions of Language #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
Handout # 5: The Language of Schooling
Think-Pair-Share 1. What was clarified? 2. What was a new learning? 3. What do you still need to think about?
Math Concept Lesson Instructional Guides → Grade 7 → Calling Plan Lesson
Math Concept Lesson Activity Read the Math Concept Lesson on your own In your triads, - Identify the components of the lesson that fit into the Universal Access/SDAIE Lesson Design Template Group Share
Big Idea Content Standard s Skill Standard s Content Objective s Languag e Objective Possible Language Forms SDAIE Vocabular y Concrete Materials
Big Idea Content Standard s Skill Standard s Content Objective s Languag e Objective
Concrete Materials SDAIE Vocabular y Prior Content Knowledge
Prior Know. -Personal Exp.
Activating Prior Knowledge: Personal Experiences Input & Model
Guided Practice
Guided Practice/ Evaluation
Prior Content Knowledge Prior Know. -Personal Exp.
Math Concept Lesson Reread the Math Concept Lesson on your own Identify the existing “3 C’s & I” present in the lesson Debrief
COMPREHENSIBILITY- Comprehension check
Refer back to the Lesson Design Template to “fill in the blanks.” What is the purpose for communication (the function) in this lesson? What does the learner have to accomplish with the language (the form)?
Math Concept Lesson Activity In triads, - Identify an area(s) in the lesson where you think ELs might need more support (remember the proficiency descriptors you read earlier and the elements of SDAIE!) - Discuss what additional scaffolds could be added to enhance SDAIE.
Enhance existing lesson by adding SDAIE support as necessary.
B.Input and Model [Teacher presentation ] Ask students to follow along as you read the problem. Chunk problem by both reading it and having the students analyze it sentence by sentence. Ask students what they’ve learned about Plan A. Underline key info. Ask students what the phrase “base rate” means? Ask students to write 4 cents in two different ways on an index card. When the majority of students are ready, ask them to raise their cards up so you can check for misconceptions. If some students write $.40 versus $.04 write both on the board and ask volunteers to explain the difference. Ask what the difference is between Company A and B? (cost and minutes). Underline the information in a different color ink. Ask, If we are talking about the cost for one month then what does the $5.00 and the $.04 mean? Give the students a minute to discuss the question and what they are trying to find when solving the problem. Get the students to identify that apparently Company A is more expensive than Company B and that the question is asking to find out when Company A plan becomes cheaper than B. Recap by asking students what they learned about the plans.
A.C. Guided Practice [Students engaging with content to develop skills and knowledge] Share, Discuss and Analyze Phase - Ask students to post their work in the front of the classroom Before posting circulate among the groups, look for solutions that will be shared with the whole group and consider the order in which they will be shared. Ask students to explain their solutions to you as you walk around. Make certain they can make sense of the table in terms of the problem. - Students should be able to say why one plan starts out as the less expensive one but over time it is the most expensive plan. They should understand how this information is represented in the table. Students should make a comparison between the base fees and the cost per-minute of each plan when justifying their responses during the whole group discussion. Ask students to show you on the table how do you know when Plan A is the better plan? Press the students to take a position on WHEN Plan A becomes cheaper and to support their claims with evidence from the table. Listen for the language structures/frames the students use to compare and contrast plans. Be prepared to give them alternate or more sophisticated ways of expressing their ideas by modeling sentence structures you have considered in your planning (see possible language forms) to prepare them for their sharing.
A.D. Independent Practice [Students apply the skills and knowledge to meet the content objective independent of the teacher] Students will solve the following problems independently as a homework assignment: Company C has no monthly fee but charges 12 cents per minute. Using a table, a graph and an equation determine when Company A would be cheaper than Company C. Create phone plans that would be cheaper than Company A if : a) You didn’t use the phone very often. b) You used the phone all of the time. A.E. Evaluation [Assess how well the learner met the objectives] Based on students presentations and independent assignment A.F. Lesson Reflection/Wrapping – up and review of Vocabulary [Recapping concept/skill] Review vocabulary by asking students what is meant by rate and intersection point. Review key points of steps in solving the task
Objectives 1.Review English learner characteristics by proficiency level. 2.Understand the role of language objectives in a SDAIE lesson. 3.Analyze a Math Concept Lesson to identify the four critical elements of SDAIE.