Firearms Controls in Australia Session III: Challenges, constraints and opportunities in national PoA implementation by States of the Pacific Brooke King, Firearms Unit Achieving a just and secure society Achieving a just and secure society
Firearms controls in Australia Some of the most stringent firearms laws and regulations in the world Access to firearms limited to those with a defined genuine reason
Objective of controls Designed to balance the interests of those with a genuine reason to access firearms and the safety and security of the community, while facilitating legitimate trade
Regulatory Framework Underpinned by the National Firearms Agreement which was implemented in 1996 Shared responsibility between the Commonwealth and State and Territory governments Commonwealth regulates import and export States and Territories regulate licensing, possession and use
National Firearms Agreement Compulsory licensing of all owners Compulsory registration of all firearms Vetting of criminal history Compulsory safety training Bans on self-loading and pump action firearms 5 categories of firearms licences All sales to be by or through a licensed dealer Minimum standards for storage and security
Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 Import regulations for firearms, firearms parts, magazines and accessories are administered at the Commonwealth level by the Attorney-General’s Department Import regulations for light weapons are administered at the Commonwealth level by the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service
Customs (Prohibited Exports) Regulations 1958 Administered at the Commonwealth level by the Defence Export Control Office
Import permission A discretionary power of the Attorney-General or nominated delegate to approve highly restricted firearms Police authorisation required for all other categories Tests –Official purposes –Specified purposes –Specified person –Sports shooter –International sports shooter –Dealer –Returned goods
Supporting documentation and conditions Purpose to track and account for legal supply and to prevent or identify diversion Verify genuine need Legislative requirements have been met –Valid licence Conditions including acquisition by the end user, export and destruction
Further information