Slide 1 of 21 Due Today: Density lab Objectives: Explore learning lab Fill out STEM fair groups and category form Homework: Complete Explore learning lab – due Monday 9/30 Begin learning elements and their charges–You will need to know elements with atomic numbers 1-36, plus 37, 38, 55, 56, 97, 88, 40, 47, 48, 79, 80, 50-54, 82, 83 (don’t worry about spelling for now) Be able to go both ways i.e.. Ca = Calcium and Calcium = Ca Begin research plan RD #1 and sign up for meeting to discuss RD #1 Rough draft 1 must be typed and include project caDQ: na Today’s Handouts: explorer learning Monday 9/22
Slide 2 of 21 Due Today: nothing; please go shopping Objectives: white board electron configuration review Homework: Prep Vegium lab – for block day Complete electron configuration worksheet for block day Complete Explore learning lab – due Monday 9/30 Get comfortable with electron configuration - quiz this Friday; test Oct 3. Begin learning elements –You will need to know elements with atomic numbers 1-36, plus 37, 38, 55, 56, 97, 88, 40, 47, 48, 79, 80, 50-54, 82, 83 (don’t worry about spelling for now) Be able to go both ways i.e.. Ca = Calcium and Calcium = Ca – quiz October 3 Begin research plan RD #1 and sign up for meeting to discuss RD #1 Rough draft 1 must be typed and include project category, project name, group member’s names, problem statement, hypothesis, list of materials, procedure. Plus at least three printed out sources of reliable experiments or knowledge for this topic. Finally, please have a typed list of questions (at least 7) that you would like a mentor to answer. DQ: na Today’s Handouts:Vegium lab and electron configuration worksheet Tuesday 9/23
Slide 3 of 21 Due Today: prelab; electron conf ws Objectives: Real life sig fig example; Vegium lab; electron config bingo Homework: Complete electron configuration worksheet for Friday Complete Explore learning lab – due Monday 9/30 Get comfortable with electron configuration - quiz this Friday; test Oct 3. Begin learning elements –You will need to know elements with atomic numbers 1-36, plus 37, 38, 55, 56, 97, 88, 40, 47, 48, 79, 80, 50-54, 82, 83 (don’t worry about spelling for now) Be able to go both ways i.e.. Ca = Calcium and Calcium = Ca – quiz October 3 Begin research plan RD #1 and sign up for meeting to discuss RD #1 Rough draft 1 must be typed and include project category, project name, group member’s names, problem statement, hypothesis, list of materials, procedure; data table. Plus at least three printed out sources of reliable experiments or knowledge for this topic. Finally, please have a typed list of questions (at least 7) that you would like a mentor to answer. DQ: 1. Please give the protons, neutrons, electrons for Cl-34; and Cl-37 2. Why are these two isotopes? Today’s Handouts: electron configuration worksheet Block 9/
Slide 4 of 21 Due Today: electron conf ws Objectives: ACE electron configuration quiz; element race Homework: Complete Explore learning lab (hand in packet) and Vegium lab (in lab notebook) – due Monday 9/29 Begin learning elements and charges. Be able to go both ways i.e.. Ca = Calcium and Calcium = Ca and Ca 2+ PP 14 Periodic Table - due Monday 9/29 Cornell notes – due Tuesday 9/30 PP 15a-c – due on Tuesday 9/30 WED 10/1 8:00 C212 – unit 1 retake – pink sheets must be completed and checked and handed in by 9 th period on Tuesday 9/30 Begin research plan RD #1 and sign up for meeting to discuss RD #1 Complete electron configuration extra credit worksheet for next Friday 10/3 Electron Configuration and element naming test – Friday 10/3 DQ: na Today’s Handouts: electron configuration ws extra credit (due 10/3); element ws (not due – just test your knowledge) Friday 9/26