Jurupa Unified School District October 1-10, 2012
Grades Tested Rubidoux High School Grades 10, 11 & 12 students who took End-of-Year Biology course in Van Buren Elementary School All grade 6 students who took grade 5 science CST in
The TEST Two parts (30 items each part) 23 item student survey after the test
Test Item Type Selected Response Pros Familiar and more traditional multiple choice true/false and yes/no answer selections Option to highlight or strikethrough text or answer choices Cons In some cases, highlighter tool not working properly Notes Many students used striker to cross out incorrect choices
Test Item Type Constructed Response/ Short Answer Pros Graphics/animation Engaging Produced a response by using the keyboard or dragging using a mouse Cons Students concerned about spelling/grammar Notes Most students were engaged and gave good effort to complete the test
Test Item Type Technology Enhanced Pros Colorful graphics/animation Students manipulate materials on the screen to understand the materials at a deeper level Cons Unclear directions Notes Students are not used to creating graphs on a computer Students manipulated choices several times before submitting answers (like playing a game)
Test Item Type Performance Task Simulations Pros Engaging and interesting New and surprising Graphics/animation kept students interested Cons Unclear directions for some parts (some parts had multiple items) Notes Students seemed to forget they were taking a test during this part
Hardware/Software Matters “ Pause” test feature failed multiple times Students had to log off/on to continue testing Students could officially end the test without answering ALL questions (could not log back-in to finish) Easy to navigate from question to question Easy to see number items completed/incomplete
Results Percent scores were immediately available after each session Scores were only viewable by grade, not by class or session