Hong Kong’s Harbour – Unlocking its Potential Nicholas Brooke Chairman 12 May 2005 Professional Property Services Limited
Victoria Harbour Waterfront – A century ago
PPSPPS Background and Context Historically – economic growth the paramount driver Impact on Waterfront = price of Hong Kong’s development Reclamation essential to provide new land for both development and infrastructure Community in transient rather than ownership mode
PPSPPS Background and Context Mid 90’s saw growing awareness of importance of harbour and environmental issues Emergence of Society for the Protection of the Harbour (“SPH”) Culminating in Protection of the Harbour Ordinance Presumption against reclamation in main harbour area
Boundary of Harbour as defined in the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance Boundary of Harbour as defined in the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance
PPSPPS Background and Context Major initiative by the Town Planning Board to set a framework for the future planning of the waterfront Promoted New Vision –To make Victoria Harbour attractive, vibrant, accessible and symbolic of Hong Kong – a harbour for the people and a harbour of life
PPSPPS Town Planning Board – Goals To bring the people to the Harbour and the Harbour to the people To enhance the scenic views of the Harbour and maintain visual access to the harbour-front To enhance the Harbour as a unique attraction for our people and tourists
PPSPPS Town Planning Board – Goals To create a quality harbour-front through encouraging innovative building design and a variety of tourist, retail, leisure and recreational activities, and providing an integrated network of open space and pedestrian links To facilitate the improvement of the water quality of the Harbour
PPSPPS Town Planning Board – Goals To maintain a safe and efficient harbour for the transport of people and goods and for the operation of an international hub port
PPSPPS Court of Final Appeal (CFA) Judgment The CFA handed down its judgment on 9 January 2004 in respect of the judicial review on the Draft Wan Chai North OZP (S/H25/1). According to the CFA judgment, the presumption against reclamation specified in the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance can only be rebutted by establishing an overriding public need for reclamation.
PPSPPS Court of Final Appeal (CFA) Judgment Overriding public need must satisfy the following requirements:- –Compelling –Present –Public –Minimum –No Reasonable Alternative The need must go far beyond something which is “nice to have”, desirable, preferable or beneficial
PPSPPS Latest Developments Government and Business Community has responded in two ways:- (a)Creating the Harbour-front Enhancement Committee (“HEC”), an advisory body to Government (b)Setting up the Harbour Business Forum (“HBF”), a coalition of diverse businesses and professionals
PPSPPS HEC – Vision & Mission Vision –Victoria Harbour : A harbour for the people, a harbour of life a harbour of lifeMission –To transform Victoria Harbour and its harbour- front areas into an attractive, vibrant, accessible and sustainable world-class asset
PPSPPS HEC - Harbour Planning Principles Preserving Victoria Harbour as a Natural, Public and Economic Asset Victoria Harbour as Hong Kong’s Identity A Vibrant Harbour An Accessible Harbour
PPSPPS HEC - Harbour Planning Principles Maximizing Opportunities for Public Enjoyment Integrated Planning for a World-class Harbour Sustainable Development for the Harbour Early and Ongoing Stakeholder Engagement
PPSPPS HBF – Mission Statement Harbour is core to Hong Kong’s heritage Wish to see Harbour as a vibrant, accessible and sustainable world class asset Provision of diverse leisure and business opportunities To achieve consensus amongst business community and to engage stakeholders and Government
PPSPPS HBF – Mission Statement The development and implementation of an integrated plan to reflect and articulate the common vision for the Harbour Consider the establishment of an authority with responsibility for the planning, implementation and management of Hong Kong’s Harbour and harbour front
PPSPPS The Key Issues No single body to take responsibility for the coordination, implementation and management of the master plan for the Harbour Moved from little public involvement to selected consultation to much wider community participation
PPSPPS The Key Issues Many competing uses for waterfront, some essential, some incompatible. Consensus can only be taken so far. In final analysis, difficult choices have to be made By who and how should that be done
PPSPPS Sheung Wan
PPSPPS Central
PPSPPS Central
PPSPPS Central
PPSPPS Queensway
PPSPPS Queensway
PPSPPS Fortress Hill
PPSPPS North Point
PPSPPS Tsimshatsui
PPSPPS Tsimshatsui
PPSPPS Tsimshatsui
PPSPPS Tsimshatsui
PPSPPS Immediate Challenges Central / Wanchai waterfront –Epitomy of the challenge of balancing traffic and infrastructure options with public access and enjoyment considerations –Brings into play wider issues in terms of transport policy, planning and pricing –Also raises fundamental issues on land use determination, presently decided by TPB
Extract from Wanchai & Adjoining Areas Public Engagement Kit
PPSPPS Immediate Challenges Future of Kai Tak –Ongoing envisioning exercise –No reclamation option –Maintenance of spirit of Kai Tak –Possibility of cruise terminal –Preference for blend of leisure tourism and quality housing –But raises whole issue of territorial requirements and their distribution
Kai Tak – The Situation Today
PPSPPS Immediate Challenges West Kowloon –Ongoing consultation on three development options –Even if one of these schemes is chosen, who will monitor implementation and management of community facilities –Serious possibility that Government will decide to revisit financial model and undertake fresh exercise to secure greater community support for ultimate solution
Potential Site for West Kowloon Cultural District
PPSPPS Immediate Challenges Other ongoing initiatives –Ferry piers –Tsimshatsui waterfront –Yau Tong Bay AND A LOT MORE
PPSPPS Issues For Debate Where do we go from here and is there a role that ULI can play and proactively contribute to the enhancement of Hong Kong’s waterfront? How do we bring together the various diverse interests and move forward within the framework of the Harbour Ordinance and the decision of the Court of Final Appeal?
Thank you Professional Property Services Limited