1. Maintenance Alignment with District ‘s Mission and Board and Superintendent’s Goal 2. Impacts of recent budget reductions 3. Review Energy Grant 4. Maintenance Facility Needs 5. Major Maintenance Projects 6. Time for Questions
Supporting the District Mission An effective and well managed Maintenance program will help to create and maintain an inviting facility that students will feel comfortable in while providing elements of a nurturing and physically safe environment. Three main ways that Maintenance contributes to the Board’s goals are to: Maintain safe and reliable environments Maintain the public trust Be Efficient and Effective
Recent Maintenance Depart Reductions: Custodial Staff Reductions Reduced 2.25 FTE, loss of 3731 work hours Reduced 33% of Custodial Subs, 830 work hours lost Maintenance staffing Reductions Reduced 2.0 FTE, loss of 3316 work hours Major Maintenance Reduced by $10K to $290K Maintenance: Recent Reductions
Implementing Efficiency measures: Provide more self contained vans (Mobile Shops) Carry more commonly used tools and supplies to reduce unnecessary trips to pick them up resulting in more time on task Reduce the amount of times staff are called off jobs, Clarify what issues require emergency or immediate responses Extend time between highly repetitive tasks where possible Foremen and Managers focus on larger tasks to ensure field staff have what they need to accomplish task More time spent on “Proper Prior Planning” and task scheduling Cedar Creek Crew – Cost effective project resource Maintenance: Reduction Countermeasures
Small Repair Grant $91K, Leverage for District Portion of Larger grant Energy Efficiency Grant $500,000 from State $180,000 from Utility incentives Borrowing $444,000 to pay back from Energy Cost savings Remaining non-functional Heat Pumps will be replaced. 17 units replaced by contractor 10 units replaced by owner Contractor installed Control system for central management Replace remaining less efficient light fixtures Replace flush valves and fixtures and install aerators All Work must be completed by June Maintenance: Grants
Equipment Storage and Grounds Shop Recent Equipment acquisitions need storage Previous Grounds Shop –Now Mt View Staff Parking Lot Grounds shop located under the stadium Equipment and shop is locate in and around student areas New Safer location to be further from student areas Equipment stored around stadium interferes with other activities More Efficient for Grounds staff Staff Report to directly to their designated work area Reduced on clock travel time, more time on task Maintenance: Facility Needs
Maintenance: Facilities Grounds Phase 1, Parking for Grounds truck and trailer to drive through, one stall for both lifts to be out of weather. Phase 2, More inside storage and work area for maintaining grounds equipment Phase 3, Expanded storage replace steel containers
Maintenance: Facilities
Maintenance: Main Facility Needs At Maintenance Shop. Begin clearing old buildings to make room for more secure and covered parking Add power for lighting and heat to upper storage area Paint Exterior of building Develop plans to fold into next Facility study for Bond further development of this site
Maintenance: Major Projects Replace failed HVAC equipment at SHS Extend conservation efforts through Grant Funding Tennis Court resurfacing and lights repaired
Maintenance: Major Projects
Rafter Tails – Stop deterioration
Maintenance: Major Projects Rafter Tails – Stop deterioration
Maintenance: Major Projects Recoat Mini-dome Cap Repair Choice Roof Remove Flex Ducts that contain Asbestos
Maintenance: Major Projects Repair Stadium Lights Rusting Electrical cans and missing heaters
Time for Questions