IZABELLA K. LENTINO JORGE MARTINS MILENA BODMER presents Joint development feasibility of a greening transport alternative
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative Accessibility vs. urban environmental quality FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM Economics of agglomeration Economics of location Private investments accessibility densification Transport policy Land-use policy gap Urban legislation 1 parking space for 30m 2 of productive space Low competitiveness of public transport & of local economy
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative Integrated mobility management SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY Mobility for citizens Activities Environmental & financial costs Transport needs
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative Mobile concept JOINT DEVELOPMENT USING MOBILE CONCEPT Macro- accessibility High capacity transport infrastructure Urban activity anchors Integrated collective transport service
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative JOINT DEVELOPMENT USING MOBILE CONCEPT Main centre Medium scale activity Indirect impacts of the main centrality Micro- accessibility Macro- accessibility Direct impacts of the main centrality High scale activity
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative An example of shopping center AN EXAMPLE Alternatives: preserving “Parking space” introducing partially “Mobile concept” conversion of parking space to productive space
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative enhancing productive space current applying Mobile concept AN EXAMPLE
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative Comparison of “Parking space” vs “Mobile concept” AN EXAMPLE "PARKING SPACE""MOBILE CONCEPT" Total Building Area106,275 m² Productive Area45,000 m²58,847 m² Number of Parking Spaces 1, Seats on Collective Transport Modes -11,591 Total Parking Space50,025 m²32,716 m² Shopping Center Area56,250 m²73,559 m²
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative Hierarchical analysis method : Based on field research with developers METHODOLOGY Economic & financial viability analysis: Market Main aspects: Productive efficiency Social Legal-bureaucratic Main criteria: Present liquid value Cost/benefit ratio Internal rate of return Pay-back range Rent ability Employment
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative Hierarchical analysis method - results DECISION MAKING AREA WEIGHTING (%) CHIEF DECISION MAKING CRITERIA Market Company image 8.39Customer satisfaction 6.57Product differentiation 6.20Product value enhancement 5.84Value added for the customer 4.74Technological innovation 4.38Generation of new business Productive Efficiency Cost of operation and maintenance 6.57Cost of implementation 4.38Productivity 3.65Easiness to sell or lease Social Quality of life 2.55Jobs Legal-Bureaucratic4.38 Legal incentives (counterpart) AN EXAMPLE - RESULTS
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative Entrepreneurs’ preference “Parking space” “Mobile concept” 47%53% AN EXAMPLE -RESULTS
Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative AN EXAMPLE - RESULTS FINANCIAL VIABILITY CRITERIA"PARKING SPACE""MOBILE CONCEPT" Present liquid value (US$)35, , Cost/benefit ratio Internal rate of return (%)2127 Pay-back (years)86 Financial viability analysis:
Positive view of developers regarding the “Mobile concept” Positive economic & financial viability Converting 50% of the parking space to collective transport services and filling this space with stores leads to an increase in accessibility cost, from 2.1% to 2.4% of the total monthly cost of the undertaking, but to a 29% increase in the monthly potential revenue. This alternative performs better under all the viability criteria: Present liquid value 81% higher; Cost/benefit ratio 28% higher, Internal rate of return 4% higher and pay-back range 25% lower ; The average revenue of the undertaking increases by 41 times, the rate of direct job creation should increase by about 78 times; If the municipal authorities induce the legislation to allow the conversion of parking space to collective services, this would augment the capacity for renewal of undertakings by 25%, given the greater revenue flow and the reduction of the investment pay-back period. CONCLUSION Joint development feasibility of greening transport alternative