P3/2 Miss Doughty Meet the Teacher
The curriculum and key curricular areas Classroom organisation and resources Promoting positive behaviour Opportunity for questions
The Learner in the curriculum Successful Learners Confident Individuals Responsible Citizens Effective Contributors
Stages Early the pre- school years and P1 First level p2 to end of P4 (earlier or later for some) Second to end of P7 (earlier or later for some) Third/ fourth and senior phase (secondary and college)
Procedures 9.00 am entry break lunch 1.00 afternoon session 3.00 dismissal
Classroom Organisation Working groups Materials organised for these groupings Visual timetable for each day
Curricular areas Expressive Arts Religious and Moral Education Health and well- being Languages Sciences Social Studies Mathematics Technologies
Literacy / P3 and P2 Story world Phonics Big Writing Handwriting Talking and Listening
Numeracy P3 Numbers to 99 Addition and Subtraction to 20. Addition with carrying to 99 Subtraction with decomposition Multiplication and division by 2,3,4,5 and 6 Money to £1 Shape, Position and Movement Handling Data Problem Solving Strategies
Numeracy P2 Numbers to 20 then 100 Addition and Subtraction within 20 Mental strategies & Interactive Maths Money within 50p Shape, Position and Movement Handling Data
Social Studies/ Science Book Study- Katie Morag Other topics throughout the session – Scottish based topic, and science based topic. One per session Due to so many composites this year Topic Planner will be changing as some children will have studied some and other children not. You will be informed in termly newsletter or homework sheet of the topic being studied Science is a school priority this year and we have recently started learning about forces.
Expressive Arts Music, alternate Thursdays lesson by Music Specialist Art, a variety of lessons often linked to topic Drama, usually topic related
Religious and Moral Roman Catholic School Pray often in school This is our Faith Mass, termly in St. Gabriels Religious assemblies Hymn practice Sacraments throughout P3- P7 Primary 3- Reconciliation during Lent
Health and Wellbeing P.E. 2 hours per week (sometimes have to change the day due to coaching sessions throughout the year.) Physical health e.g. Healthy eating Emotional health, positive futures programme Circle time Assemblies Positive behaviour policy Golden Time
Promoting Positive Behaviour Golden Rules
Golden Rules are displayed in all classes They are shared and discussed with the children. Golden Time will be held every Friday afternoon.
Class Charts – The rocket
Golden Time “Steps” Breaking a Golden Rule: If a child is seen breaking a Golden Rule they are given a verbal warning. If the rule is broken again, they are shown a warning card or, for infants they are placed on the amber part of the rocket. Decision Time: This is the child’s decision time and they can either choose to keep the Golden Rule or carry on breaking it. Losing Golden Time: At this point the child will lose 10 minutes of Golden Time, Infants 5 minutes.
Our ambition is for all children and young people in Glasgow to know their rights and have the freedom in our establishments to enjoy these rights. To achieve this we need all adults to support children and young people in knowing their rights and working together to ensure these rights are protected.
Golden Rules We appreciate your help and support to make our school
General Information Health promoting school/ healthy snacks please! No nuts/ peanut butter/ chocolate or biscuits containing nuts! We have lots of children with nut allergies. Book bags come to school every day, please check for letters. Most letters are ed but the occasional one may be in the book bags.
Thank- you! Any queries please make contact through the school office or management team.